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Forums » Smalltalk » little facts about yourself

Everyone else is doing it, so why not?

- I'm a die-hard sports fan, the Kansas City Chiefs, Kansas City Royals, Washington Capitals, Kansas State Wildcats, and Sporting Kansas City are my favorites.
- Pokémon is my life, I've been a fan for nearly as long as I've been alive.
- I met my girlfriend on here and we've been going strong for a little over a year now.
- I'm about 6'6".
- Back in school, I was called the white Fat Albert and Sasquatch.
- I have nearly 80 characters, with half of them being Pokémon trainers.
- I've made an entire world with my girlfriend.
- I love heavy metal, country, and classic rock.
- I own five cats at the moment and they're adorable idiots.
- I was born in Nevada, but consider Kansas to be my home state.
- And I have a ridiculous amount of pride in my home state.
Some more facts about me since I obviously feel like sharing? I think so!
  • I worked a job last year that paid $24/hour for almost three weeks just for opening a gate for semi's and logging the time they came in and truck numbers.
  • When I sleep the tag of my blanket cannot be near my face. It must be at the bottom left corner of my bed.
  • I love gummy candies especially gummy bears.
  • I once stabbed myself with a pitchfork, hit myself in the head with a hammer, and stepped on a rake, causing it to come up and smack me in the face.
  • I recently found myself and I'm now bisexual. Will never come out to my family though, especially my dad, since they aren't very accepting.
  • I put barbecue sauce on almost everything. Chicken, pizza rolls, potatoes, mac & cheese, you name it.
  • I'm actually not a huge fan of chocolate.
  • I've never watched anime and honestly it doesn't appeal to me at all.
  • My birthday is the day after my moms and hers is the day after my great, great grandmothers (who is still alive).
  • I bought myself a truck but I don't have a licence. Driving honestly scared me and the traffic around here isn't really all that bad.
  • I've never had surgery or broken a bone.
  • I believe in ghosts, aliens, and some conspiracy theories. They just make sense to me.

This looks fun, and people seem to like it! So why not?
· I am 5'7(still growing...)
· Huge fan of alternative rock(and MAYBE hard rock. Depends on the mood.) and dubstep/EDM.
· I have Social Anxiety and have experienced intense side effects of my ADHD medicine(Meaning I had many hallucinations and panic attacks at random times form them.)
· I am terrified of being alone, if I lose someone while in an area(be it crowded or empty) I will freak out. I lost my mom once and lets just say that there were many, many tears.
· I am VERY fascinated in mythology. I LOVE. LOVE. LOOOOVVVE Greek and Norse Mytholoy most. For some reason, I find it to be incredible.
· I like to RP with my friend, and I mean like I will play outside with her and do random skits. Haha, I caught the neighboors staring once! Now my dad doesn't like me playing in the front...(Me and her will make up random languages and scream them, not loudly, but loud enough for my neighbors to be fairly confused.)
· I am an artist, I like to draw, paint, and create digital art. Even if I am not good at one or the other, I keep my hopes high!
Gab wrote:
I have a tendency to apologize a lot.

As do I, Gab. As do I. So... More facts because I feel in a sharing mood:

☆Since it's National Coming Out Day, I feel like it's a good time to say that I am openly bisexual. If anyone asks me, I will tell them so with pride... Anyone except most of my family, because I've lost contact with them. My mom knows, but isn't quite happy about it, I think.

☆I have the odd tendency to mewl like a cat or a kitten when I am alone or with other people I'm close to or am comfortable with. I try not to do this in public, though.

☆Relating to the above: I'm a kemonomimi, with a nekomimi (catgirl, or catperson in my case) persona. Whether kemonomimi fits under furry or not (sub-fandom or otherwise; it's an ongoing inner debate), I know I'm also a furry simply because I like furry artwork. I know I don't fall under the otaku fandom even though I like anime.

☆I tend to overthink things and second-guess myself a lot, even if my actions are justified. It's a perfect tie in to me apologizing way too much to be healthy or normal. Overall, I'm a natural worrywart who stresses out over the simplest of mistakes and the slightest of errors.

☆I've gained some sarcastic humor from my boyfriend and some people I used to hang out with. However, sarcasm also likes to fly straight over my head when it's used on me. The irony is not lost on me, I assure you.
LightSide-Lucree wrote:
Gab wrote:
I have a tendency to apologize a lot.

As do I, Gab. As do I. So... More facts because I feel in a sharing mood:

☆Since it's National Coming Out Day, I feel like it's a good time to say that I am openly bisexual. If anyone asks me, I will tell them so with pride... Anyone except most of my family, because I've lost contact with them. My mom knows, but isn't quite happy about it, I think.

☆I have the odd tendency to mewl like a cat or a kitten when I am alone or with other people I'm close to or am comfortable with. I try not to do this in public, though.

☆Relating to the above: I'm a kemonomimi, with a nekomimi (catgirl) persona. I'm not sure if I qualify for fitting into the furry fandom since I also like furry art, or just the kemonomimi sub-fandom by itself, but... I know I don't fall under the otaku fandom even though I like anime. It's an ongoing inner debate.

☆I tend to overthink things and second-guess myself a lot, even if my actions are justified. It's a perfect tie in to me apologizing way too much to be healthy or normal. Overall, I'm a natural worrywart who stresses out over the simplest of mistakes and the slightest of errors.

☆I've gained some sarcastic humor from my boyfriend and some people I used to hang out with. However, sarcasm also likes to fly straight over my head when it's used on me. The irony is not lost on me, I assure you.

~Pets Lucree's adorable cat ears gently scritching behind them before sitting next to her to keep her company.~))
I'll do this, cause why not?

- I'm short. I'm 5'1, so everyone else towers over me.
- I have 4 pet rats. Before you freak out, they don't spread diseases and are actually quite interesting to watch and play with.
- I stutter. Not so much that it impacts me a lot, but it happens sometimes.
- I love dogs, and it's rubbed off on my mom. Now she can identify some breeds!
- Caramel is the best thing ever.
- I was born on July 4.
- My favorite band is Imagine Dragons.
I'm 5'8 (172 cm)

I'm terribly nearsighted. I wear glasses 24/7.

I'm an islander

I wear socks 24/7, especially when visiting others.

I have a nasty scar on my hand. I think I might be the only one to cut myself on tinfoil that badly... Everytime people ask I try to deliver a super crazy story about it in a believable manner.
- I own far too many leather jackets. I just keep buying them. I must at least be in the upper teens by now. It's becoming a problem.

- I invented butter.

- I am neurotic about my fingernails - which is to say that I can only barely cope with their existence to begin with. If I realize they have somehow gotten past the absolute shortest possible length, I will immediately start picking at them to the point of hurting myself. To combat this, I own a pair of nail clippers for every room in my apartment, and two for the truck - one for the front, one for the bunk. I get deeply uncomfortable when I remember that cuticles exist.

- I pick up hitchhikers whenever I get the chance. (Which is, admittedly, not often.) One time a lady urinated on my passenger seat.

- Toasted marshmallow Jelly Bellies do things to me. Wonderful things. Actual toasted marshmallows, however, disgust me.

- I am a being of unparalleled majesty and grace. I run at least a 1/4 chance of hitting my head every single time I enter or exit my truck.

- My family burial plot is at Swan Point Cemetary, in Providence, Rhode Island, where H.P. Lovecraft is buried.

- Sometimes I tell people that I invented butter.

- I am distantly related to Harvey Ball, the man most commonly credited with creating the smiley face. He was my great uncle.

- There is a lever inside my truck that I do not know the function of. It has been in every truck I've driven, and I have never touched it or asked anyone about it. Sometimes it calls to me, but I resist the call, for I know not what Pandora's Box awaits me past that point of no return.

- I, too have a fairly nasty scar, on the underside of my wrist. It is verticle, and traces the artery in a way that really looks quite dramatic, and possibly suggests very grave connotations. When people ask, I intentionally don't answer to cultivate an air of mystery. In reality, it is the result of my best friend and I violently beating each other with sharp sticks as kids. You know. For fun.

- I was once mistaken for a school shooter while applying for a part-time job in an elementary school cafeteria. At least a dozen squad cars responded, and there were about an equal number of weapons trained on me. It was terrifying.

- I did not invent butter.
I am an archaeologist

I have two cats, spooky and Gigi

I am allergic to cinnimon

I have a flannel obsession

I am also obsessed with Fire Emblem

Also metal music my fav band is Trivium

I'm going to see Ninja Sex party tomorrow

I don't have a boyfriend but fingers crossed he asks me out tomorrow at the concert lol

everyone else on my feed is doing this, so WHY NOT

x i have over two feet of long, thick af red hair. sometimes i look like the ginger version of cousin it. redheads run rampant in my family for whatever reason.

x i am very short, about 5'3" if we're being generous. i also might have napoleon syndrome because of it but that's not important-

x i went through a grunge phase and never got over it. my entire closet is composed of shades of gray and black, flannel, and leather/denim jackets. i also went through a brief emo phase but let's not talk about that

x i am blinder than a bat. i hate glasses, and i can't afford contacts, so i just end up dealing with it because i'll die of getting hit by a car before i wear glasses. >(

x i have a very heavy country accent no matter how hard i try to make it go away. when i speak to people that are not from the south, they often have no idea what the hell i'm saying. fun fact: southern people slur all their words and mash them together. ever heard of y'all'dnt've?

x despite how nice i try to be online, i've been told i'm intimidating in person. i also curse like a sailor and am generally the aNgRiEsT person you will ever meet.

x i have 3 dogs, a lizard, 2 frogs, a snake, and stop to pet every single cat/animal i see outside. i might have a problem.

x despite being the clumsiest thing in existence, i have never broken, twisted, or sprained anything. it's pretty much a miracle. i do, however, have 4 gnarly-ish scars. 3 of which came from a 4 lb dog, ha.

x i have a lot of health problems. i mainly just ignore them and hope i don't die. including lots of mental health issues, oof.

x i love heavy metal and thrash. SLAYEEEEEEEEEEERRRR

PrettySir wrote:
  • I often cry a lot over stress.

  • I really love learning new words.


Oh man, I cry over everything too and I used to get teased mercilessly for it. That never stopped me, though. Having a good cry can be so very satisfying. I even cry when I listen to music or when I see something particularly beautiful. It's wonderful that you've found a supportive environment where that's okay.

I also love learning new words, though it's getting harder for me to retain them.

And I'm sorry about the broken bones and I really hope you never suffer another one in your life!
Petrovalyc wrote:

- I invented butter.


- Sometimes I tell people that I invented butter.


- I did not invent butter.

I just had to comment because this post was a rollercoaster! I literally laughed out loud. XD

For what it's worth, I believe that in an alternate dimension, you really did invent butter.

1 I'm a Sioux Indian 2 I worked at Victoria secrets and as a bartender 3 finally a professional musician 4 survived a total car crash when I was 20 got a huge scar on left arm to remind me and to remember how precious life is. 5 getting married Christmas day to my fiance which is also the day we met. 6 I'm 5'0 tall 7 I'm from South Dakota 8 my favorite food are burritos
Ohboy, lemme see.

-My apartment looks like my perpetual Halloween decorations and band merch are duking it out for superior wallspace

-I often get songs stuck in my head. Currently, it’s nostalgic My Chemical Romance: Kill All Your Friends (no, I don’t really want to kill all my friends)

-I’ve gotten so many piercings and tattoos over the past few years that pretty much everyone in the shop recognizes me now. It’s like Cheers… but cooler

-I’m 5’5 (not really, but wearing shoes I am)

-My wardrobe consists entirely of black, even my work clothes. It’s nice until you toss a shirt onto your equally-black bed, and then consequently lose it in the abyss
When I realized Pocahontas was of Netflix I buyed the dvd immidatly , Sorry I can’t live without the Dutch version Of Pocahontas !

I learned myself German at a young age by watching german childern’s movies and opera’s , (opera Hansel und gretel , movies Frau Holle loll)

I am a hardcore Pia Douwes fan

I love to watch Hansel and Gretel movies, idk why the first version I saw was the English version 1987 and I still love the witch the candy house , but I love fairytales alot

Kristin chenoweth is the first actress I liked , she tried german Okay! And it sounded cute , she was singing that Queen of the night song thing in a comedy show loll
Little random details that make me me...hmm...

-We have two cats. Their names are Westley and Elora. We never call them that.

-I am obsessed with collecting cookie cutters even though I only actually bake cookies that require cutters once a year. Doesn't matter. I have to have them all. I get shaky if I walk by a cookie cutter shape I know I don't have. There's something wrong with me.

-I spent six months after my husband and I married searching for just the right salt and pepper shakers because for some reason I needed shakers that spoke to my soul. I found them. We never use salt and pepper shakers. Like...ever.

-I hated being pregnant more than anything but I really want a second child.

-I like eating oranges but I hate drinking orange juice. You could cut an orange in half, feed me one half and squeeze the other. I'll like the first and hate the second.

-Same goes for ketchup and tomatoes though that's a little more more understandable as ketchup is at least fifty percent sugar.

-I love musical theater. Fight me.

I'm sure there are more but that's a good start.

Dndmama wrote:
-We have two cats. Their names are Westley and Elora. We never call them that.

-I love musical theater. Fight me.

Okie, firstly... Please tell me that your cat is named after Westley from Princess Bride??

And why lol, musical theatre is fan-freaking-tasic. Who'd wanna fight you over that? I mean... I'm always down for a fight tho lol...

Edit: I thought I should clarify, a fun rp fight, not irl or anything, I don't usually condone violence!))
(( Westley is named after the protagonist from The Princess Bride, yes. Elora is named after Elora Dannon from Willow though after living with her for several years now I realize Sorsha would have fit her personality better. ))
There’s bout a lot but here’s a few

1: Due to my past I distance myself from being in any sort of relationship

2: I’m really hard on myself and hate myself

3: I have a Rare illness (about 1 in 3000) that has no cure and caused lots of things such as tumors and scoliosis

4: I don’t have a lot of friends even though I’m a really caring perso

Dndmama wrote:
(( Westley is named after the protagonist from The Princess Bride, yes. Elora is named after Elora Dannon from Willow though after living with her for several years now I realize Sorsha would have fit her personality better. ))

You are now one of my new favorite ppl.))

oh god. where to begin.

* I'm highly guilty of tsundoku (buying books I don't read)

* I'm currently trying to fix that problem

* I'm also trying to write a novel, featuring 2 characters that were deleted from RPR and 1 that is still on here :P

* Video games and anime take up all my time

* If it weren't for the internet, almost all of these problems would be solved

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