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Forums » Smalltalk » little facts about yourself


No one I know in real life knows that I have an account on here, so all of you totally random strangers will get to know some things that you probably are better off not knowing. Here we go.

#1: I have a Youtube account in which I post...completely random stuff. If you want to know the name, check out my profile.

#2: I have a superpower of sorts, which is being equally competent at anything I do, even if I haven't done it before.

#3: Way back in the days of yore, in the third grade, some kid was spying on me through a self-made paper telescope and just for shits and giggles, I pressed the darn thing straight into his eye with an obscene amount of force. From what I remember, I got one of those disciplinary slips and was told to give it to my mom, but I never did, I threw it away and now that kid now has to wear glasses for the rest of his life. Funny thing about this was that I was someone who wore glasses and about a month later, a different kid broke them by sitting on them and my eyesight progressively got better. I'd like to believe that the reason that this happened was because I hurt the kid's eye and stole his sight. If this is true, my hero name would be Crimson Reprisal.

#4: I don't have a very good sense of smell, I can only smell scents at point blank, usually.

#5: In order for me to get rest, I have to turn my room into a sensory deprivation chamber. No lamps, no light of any kind, no sound either, and even sometimes the sound of my pulse is enough to keep me awake.

#6: I can't get cold no matter how freezing the weather gets. My record is around 22 degrees Fahrenheit when I actually began to feel uncomfortable.

#7: I am a firm believer that, in this day and age, having kids is further progressing the destruction of Earth (I have an essay I wrote in case anyone's curious). This is not because I dislike kids with a fiery unstoppable passion, but I work in a library filled with them. Please. Send help.

#8: I believe that Trump's musings on the "Space Force" are legitimate good ideas. The only good idea.

#9: A couple of friends and I accidentally made a cult-like religion about a dead astronomer. (If you want to read the 70+ page essay we wrote about it, don't hesitate to ask. We need more members.)

#10: The reason I started RP'ing in the first place was because of a game on the PSP named "Megaman: Maverick Hunter X". Headcanons became fan fictions which became my insanely detailed world, so thank you Capcom.

spider_pig_girl wrote:
* I'm highly guilty of tsundoku (buying books I don't read)

I learned a new word! Thank you! And that thing. I do that thing too. So many books, so little time! ^^;

Also, here are my random facts:

♦ I like deep, dark, funny things. My favorite characters are the ones who are highly intelligent, scarred, and complex, but don't really take themselves all that seriously.

♦ I am very, very introverted. I enjoy getting to know people and picking their awesome brains, but I often need to just shut down and look at pictures of kittens and ducklings. Sometimes, for days.

♦ I'm a very recent convert to gifs. (Like just a month ago.) I used to hate them. For years. They made me dizzy, it took ages for them to load, and I found them jarring. Then I discovered the sexiness of cinemagraphs and now I can't stop using them!

♦ I tick off all the stereotypical nerd characteristics. Socially awkward, check. Big, thick glasses, check. Way too many allergies, check. Untamed, bristling mass of hair shaped roughly like a Christmas tree, check. Plus, I have adult braces. Hoo boy.

♦ Speaking of hair, I have hair up to my butt. It's bushy, black, and annoying. I like to keep it in a braid, tied into a bun, and tucked inside a hairnet, so it stays out of my way. I have zero intention of cutting it, though. The sleek, white bob on my avatar is a wig that I do own and wear sometimes. (My dream is to have long, silky, snow-white hair, but I guess that's just something I'll have to give my characters.)

♦ When I grow interested in something, I get lost in it for a while. I become obsessed. I've tried to fight it before, but now I generally just let it run its course, like a cold.

♦ I overthink. A lot. Sometimes, a simple question about the chicken we're having for dinner might lead to me imagining how unicellular creatures evolved into multicellular ones. I mean, how did they? What was that exact moment like? Was it like, Woah dude, I was supposed to eat and digest you, but I guess you survived and you're a part of me, so let's work together now?

♦ I take a long, long time when it comes to correspondence. I am in awe of people who can type long paragraph replies in minutes! It takes me hours to do that. I need to set aside at least half a day to actually reply to all my emails and messages, because I always check and double-check what I'm saying.

♦ I looove podcasts and audiobooks so much! They have literally changed my life. I now look forward to doing the dishes and folding the laundry because it's an excuse to listen. My current obsession is NPR's Hidden Brain, but my all-time favorite is still Brandon Sanderson's Writing Excuses.

♦ I'm still growing, and I intend to keep growing in different, little ways until the day I die. I make lots of mistakes and I apologize in advance if anything I do or say hurts anyone! I really don't mean to.
I love MBTI and my personality type is ENTP. I'm trying to figure out all my characters types as well.

• I used to be an internet troll. I'm mostly using my wit in a friendly manner now. Or on roleplays.

• I'm homeschooled and I don't socialize enough. Apparently I am "not mature enough to do so." *Insert rant*

• I have trichotillomania but I'm improving a lot, and have no visible damage from my hair pulling. Yay!

• I love debating. And arguing sometimes -- I'm good at it in my humble and honest opinion and I see it as a mental exercise, and nothing personal.

• I'm too judgemental. Just throwing that out there. I'm more likely to dislike someone and pick out their flaws then see good, and I am cynical. I don't think I have trust issues, however.
Hello friends,

• I keep a personal finance spreadsheet for every month with a 6-month and 12-month review. Sometimes I can't sleep at night if I know it can be completed the same evening.

• A few years ago I lost 80lbs and have kept it off.

• My job right now is to finance and sell you super fun sweet fast/or somewhat fast motorcycles. I've also trained horses, worked in structural engineering, been a server/food runner (I always over poured the wine), walked some dogs, sold some photographs I took, and all sorts of other things.

• I have a Kawasaki Ninja and a very old Ducati problem-child.

• I'm super duper extroverted and friendly in person but very reserved online. I become really depressed if I don't have an in-person conversation outside of my apartment for more than a day.

• One time I sat down really hard, broke my coccyx off and have a vertical crack halfway up my tail bone. Now my butt can tell the relative temperature and humidity and if it is going to rain. When the orthopedic doctor went over the x-ray, I asked where did the coccyx go.

"Where did the coccyx go," I asked.

"Oh, it'll float around until it attaches to another bone and calcifies or gets absorbed by your blood stream," he said.

• I have a llama lamp and do local stand-up comedy, but only after a very strong margarita.

• One of my best friend's dad is missing a leg. When we first met I said, "Tell me. Round abouts how big was the bear you fought?" I am now his daughter without the hassle of adoption paperwork.

• For some reason I often change my voice tone and pitch to another pronunciation, or use words in another language. I may change accents from standard East Coast American, to Northern Canadian, to cowboy, to Russian in a single conversation. Then I will say thank-you and welcome-words in Italian. WHy do I do This I donT even Know. It is very embarrassing when I realize I'm doing it.

1.) I was born with my hip bones turned slightly in, so I have this freakish "talent" of being able to point my feet together at a really gross degree - flat, if I'm on the floor. It freaks a lot of people out, and then I cackle. I can even walk like that.

2.) I've been writing for role-play since I was about 11. I started off on this website called, and that's when I discovered people writing Warrior Cat RPs. I'd read the books, and was like...amazed. I'd always wanted to be a writer, so learning that you could just do it, online with other people, was really magical for me. I've never stopped.

3.) I have OCD, or some type of obsessive-compulsive thing going on. I'm very particular about some things. Like, with volume, I prefer that the numbers (of the level) end with 0 or 5 (5, 10, 15, 25, 30, etc.) If I'm driving with my windows down, they must be down exactly the same amount. I prefer my driver side seat and passenger side seat to be in perfect alignment. When I eat, my food can't touch - I won't freak out, but it bothers me if it touches on the plate. And I always eat in a specific way - like, I save a small bit of whatever is my favorite dish last. I hate when people walk behind me. I also have this weird thing about - it sounds bizarre - like making bets with myself, if you can call them that. Like I have to tap my palm three times or something bad will happen. I don't really believe something bad will happen, but it comforts me to do the tapping or whatever it is my brain wants me to do.

4.) In high school, I took six years of Spanish and a year of French. I'm very good at learning languages, and I've retained a lot of Spanish - but for some reason, I just love saying little things in French. I love to say: "Je ne sais pas" which means "I don't know."

5.) I'm obsessed with riddles. I similarly love any kind of game where I get to find or create the loophole. I've got a lot of self-esteem issues but I'm generally very proud of my wittiness/cleverness.

6.) I don't put strong faith in astrology, but I'm an Aquarius, and almost to a tee. I'm a social person, but I very much need my solitude. And I do often feel "detached" - and I'm not sure exactly how to explain it. I have friends, and a job, a relationship, a wonderful family, but sometimes I hit these spells of melancholy where I just feel lonely and like I can't even talk to people about what's wrong. I've always seen it in those horoscope things, and I've always known what the writer is talking about. It feels like you're not connected to anyone or anything else - and I'm sure that's not uniquely an "Aquarius" thing, but it's strange.

7.) I'm a nerd. One of my favorite first impressions I've ever heard of myself was a classmate/friend of mine telling me: "I was so scared to talk to you. You're so pretty, and I was just terrified - and then I talked to you for five minutes and realized you're just a big nerd." So, I have resting b-face (lol, trying not to swear here) for sure, but I am the biggest nerd, no doubt. I love Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Skyrim, Fallout, Walking Dead, Supternatural - I've been DYING to play Dungeons and Dragons for years of my life. I've got Game of Thrones themed socks, complete with houses Targaryen (my favorite, Daenerys is my QUEEN), Stark, Tully, Arryn, Lannister, and Tyrell. I've read the books and am an avid fan of the show.

8.) I'm a film student. So, really just an extension of the nerd label, honestly. I love watching movies and television, and I'm unfortunately one of those annoying people now who just...notices all this specific stuff in film. Like when a technical mistake it made, when an editing rule is broken, etc. Except, my OCD kind of helps in this case because I'm the queen of continuity. I'm always on top of setting a scene and knowing exactly how things were.

9.) I have three dogs and they are my children. I adore them and prefer them to most people (no shame at all).

10.) I named my car Baby after the car from Supernatural.

11.) When I first started thinking about careers in high school, my dream job was to work for the CDC in the high level labs where they literally work 24/7 in hazmat suits. I loved immunology and virology. I also had a brief stint where I wanted to be a vulcanologist. I think my family is still breathing sighs of relief on that one.

I love this thread a lot. I love learning little facts about people. :)

Atrevida wrote:

3.) I have OCD, or some type of obsessive-compulsive thing going on. I'm very particular about some things. Like, with volume, I prefer that the numbers (of the level) end with 0 or 5 (5, 10, 15, 25, 30, etc.) If I'm driving with my windows down, they must be down exactly the same amount. I prefer my driver side seat and passenger side seat to be in perfect alignment. When I eat, my food can't touch - I won't freak out, but it bothers me if it touches on the plate. And I always eat in a specific way - like, I save a small bit of whatever is my favorite dish last. I hate when people walk behind me. I also have this weird thing about - it sounds bizarre - like making bets with myself, if you can call them that. Like I have to tap my palm three times or something bad will happen. I don't really believe something bad will happen, but it comforts me to do the tapping or whatever it is my brain wants me to do.

I love this thread a lot. I love learning little facts about people. :)

*Shyly waves* Me too ^^^^^^
SexySultryBabe wrote:
1 I'm a Sioux Indian 2 I worked at Victoria secrets and as a bartender 3 finally a professional musician 4 survived a total car crash when I was 20 got a huge scar on left arm to remind me and to remember how precious life is. 5 getting married Christmas day to my fiance which is also the day we met. 6 I'm 5'0 tall 7 I'm from South Dakota 8 my favorite food are burritos

Yay for burritos. Glad you made it through the car crash alright.
anaisdeluxxx wrote:

♦ When I grow interested in something, I get lost in it for a while. I become obsessed. I've tried to fight it before, but now I generally just let it run its course, like a cold.

♦ I overthink. A lot. Sometimes, a simple question about the chicken we're having for dinner might lead to me imagining how unicellular creatures evolved into multicellular ones. I mean, how did they? What was that exact moment like? Was it like, Woah dude, I was supposed to eat and digest you, but I guess you survived and you're a part of me, so let's work together now?

YES ditto on both of these for me.

Hey...I thought it was SO INTERESTING when I found out that some parts inside a cells nucleus used to be separate organisms! Chloroplasts and mitochondria used to be independent organisms! According to one theory!


I get excited about science-y stuff. But here's a Wikipedia article about it if you're curious.

light wrote:
Hello friends,

• A few years ago I lost 80lbs and have kept it off.

• One of my best friend's dad is missing a leg. When we first met I said, "Tell me. Round abouts how big was the bear you fought?" I am now his daughter without the hassle of adoption paperwork.

How did you lose 80 lbs and keep it off? Is it something I can emulate?

And also...that bear thing--that was brilliant.
* I took three days off RpR and that's why, now, I'm going crazy commenting a bunch of this thread with things I've been wanting to say but couldn't for three days.

* I watch documentaries on Netflix for fun, such as "Origins," which is pretty interesting.

*When I was on a three day hiatus, I listened to a lot of music and started reading two book, and wrote like 3 (one page each) short stories, and that kind of helped a little bit, but it still didn't fully scratch that itch. I did, however, get SO much done.

* I enjoy driving, unlike most people I think.

*I've never seen a "real mountain" yet.

*I love it when people use terms of endearment with me, unless they happen to be men who seem to have a crush on me, or salespeople. I take that back; I even like it when salespeople do it. I love it. I really fall for that stuff too.

*I have seen the actress who played Elvira, at a Pinball convention. I don't have a thing for Pinball machines, we just went because Elvira was there.

*Sometimes I try to make people watch all three hours of the musical Les Mis against their will while I sing along with every single word to every single song. Then they take the remote away. Lol

*I think the Star Spangled Banner is a beautiful piece of poetry.

*I don't know the difference between an elm tree and an oak tree but I know the difference between a Romulan and a Vulcan.

*I seem to get along swimmingly with theater folks (actors and actresses) and want to an acting class SO BAD, just to meet the sorts of people who randomly start singing the song Edelweiss from The Sound of Music for no other reason than the fact than that it's freaking beautiful.

*To me, smart is sexy.

*Ok ok that's all :)
A lot of people is having fun with this I see...
  • I actually play two instruments, one is the piano and another is the erhu.
  • Contrary to popular beliefs that Asians are good at maths, I am only mediocre. Like, really, really mediocre. I can do algebra but don’t hope for me to pursue any occupation even slightly related to mathematics.
  • All the tiny scars on my hands are either from my hamster or that really cute parrot I saw that isn’t mine and I still tried to touch it anyways or burns from being clumsy when handling hot glue guns or razors.
  • I have a lot of books, but I rarely have the time to actually sit down and read them. Most of the time, I read them in between tuition, and it is incredibly unsatisfying so nowadays I only read fanfictions and other online works.
  • I have finished nearly twenty sketchbooks worth of drawings over the years, not counting those I did on scrap paper and complete art assignments I did for classes and all those painting I did on somewhat unconventional my table or the walls or on my files.
  • I have a love for Gudetama- I don’t know why, but the fact that he is so lazy and relaxed makes me admire this character even more. The life Gudetama lives is like my ideal life hahaha, just lazing around everyday being an absolute waste of space without consequences...
  • I really, really wanted to get a pet snake, but my art teacher decided to gift me with a hamster out of the blue and now I am obsessed over that hamster.
  • I don’t have a long term dream but my short term goal is to gather enough money from doing small commissions here and there to donate to the local independant animal rescue centre. It is slow going, but I getting near at least.
  • I think large and dangerous animals are cuter than small and cute pets. I don’t know why, but if you would have me choose between a pitbull and a tiny pomeranian to keep as a pet I would choose the pitbull any day. Tiny and cute animals just seem so delicate to me, I wouldn’t want to accidentally break their bones or kill them out of carelessness. Not to mention, if the animal is dangerous, it means that I am not a danger to them in any way and that reassures me more than anything else.
  • I’ve been told how much I resemble my paternal grandfather in my mannerisms despite him dying before I was born. But because of that, I always had an awkward relationship with my paternal grandmother because child me was convinced that she hates me because I apparently act like her late husband. (I don’t)
  • I get irrationally scared whenever I see a cockroach or a spider, or any sort of insects including the common ants and houseflies. I can still keep my cool if there is only one of them, but trust me to freak out the moment the number increases to two.
  • Despite that, I am strangely calm when it comes to reptiles or bats or anything of the sorts. I really just can’t handle insects.
  • This might sound weird, but no matter what I do, I have a strange obsession with having them in even numbers and with them going from small to big. Baking cupcakes? Even numbers, or else I am making another batch. Organizing my books and notebooks? Smallest book to biggest book-regardless if my shelf looks like a nasty combination of colours.
  • I am horrible at keeping up with something. I tried more than several times to keep a diary, or just a daily to-do list but by the end of the week those notebooks and diaries turn into sketchbooks instead. I can’t really keep up with a habit either- I try to shower at night so I don’t have to be so hurried in the mornings but my attempt usually lasts three days before I am back to showering in the morning again.
  • My friends call me strange nicknames stemming from my username, Birdy. It is either Birdy, Niaoge (Bird Big Brother), NiaoDaShu (Bird Big Uncle), Akelaite (Arkwright, one of my game usernames) or Monia-Ge, for some strange reason. Sorry if the translation is weird, it is Chinese actually. (I am technically, a girl to them, but they still call me that anyways)
Abigail_Austin wrote:
* I took three days off RpR and that's why, now, I'm going crazy commenting a bunch of this thread with things I've been wanting to say but couldn't for three days.

* I watch documentaries on Netflix for fun, such as "Origins," which is pretty interesting.

*When I was on a three day hiatus, I listened to a lot of music and started reading two book, and wrote like 3 (one page each) short stories, and that kind of helped a little bit, but it still didn't fully scratch that itch. I did, however, get SO much done.

* I enjoy driving, unlike most people I think.

*I've never seen a "real mountain" yet.

*I love it when people use terms of endearment with me, unless they happen to be men who seem to have a crush on me, or salespeople. I take that back; I even like it when salespeople do it. I love it. I really fall for that stuff too.

*I have seen the actress who played Elvira, at a Pinball convention. I don't have a thing for Pinball machines, we just went because Elvira was there.

*Sometimes I try to make people watch all three hours of the musical Les Mis against their will while I sing along with every single word to every single song. Then they take the remote away. Lol

*I think the Star Spangled Banner is a beautiful piece of poetry.

*I don't know the difference between an elm tree and an oak tree but I know the difference between a Romulan and a Vulcan.

*I seem to get along swimmingly with theater folks (actors and actresses) and want to an acting class SO BAD, just to meet the sorts of people who randomly start singing the song Edelweiss from The Sound of Music for no other reason than the fact than that it's freaking beautiful.

*To me, smart is sexy.

*Ok ok that's all :)

*To me, Abigail is sexy.
*A Romulan is a Vulcan that went against the teachings of Surak
*Abigail Austin is my BFF
-I have ADD but I do not need to take medications for it.

-I have four cats, one of which is a fat scaredy cat, and four dogs.

-I am a hyperactive person and tend to make random sounds when I am bored or nervous about something.

-I am currently in Algebra 2/Trig. I am a sophomore in high school.

-I like the fantasy side of things along with action and adventure things.

-I like to watch anime, my current favorite one is the Seven Deadly Sins.

-I like to play video games and watch YouTube.

That is all about me for now, this thread is definitely interesting.
Suwako423 wrote:
Abigail_Austin wrote:
* I took three days off RpR and that's why, now, I'm going crazy commenting a bunch of this thread with things I've been wanting to say but couldn't for three days.

* I watch documentaries on Netflix for fun, such as "Origins," which is pretty interesting.

*When I was on a three day hiatus, I listened to a lot of music and started reading two book, and wrote like 3 (one page each) short stories, and that kind of helped a little bit, but it still didn't fully scratch that itch. I did, however, get SO much done.

* I enjoy driving, unlike most people I think.

*I've never seen a "real mountain" yet.

*I love it when people use terms of endearment with me, unless they happen to be men who seem to have a crush on me, or salespeople. I take that back; I even like it when salespeople do it. I love it. I really fall for that stuff too.

*I have seen the actress who played Elvira, at a Pinball convention. I don't have a thing for Pinball machines, we just went because Elvira was there.

*Sometimes I try to make people watch all three hours of the musical Les Mis against their will while I sing along with every single word to every single song. Then they take the remote away. Lol

*I think the Star Spangled Banner is a beautiful piece of poetry.

*I don't know the difference between an elm tree and an oak tree but I know the difference between a Romulan and a Vulcan.

*I seem to get along swimmingly with theater folks (actors and actresses) and want to an acting class SO BAD, just to meet the sorts of people who randomly start singing the song Edelweiss from The Sound of Music for no other reason than the fact than that it's freaking beautiful.

*To me, smart is sexy.

*Ok ok that's all :)

*To me, Abigail is sexy.
*A Romulan is a Vulcan that went against the teachings of Surak
*Abigail Austin is my BFF

Yep. Went against the teachings of Surak and did not learn to control their emotions the way the Vulcans did. I did not know you liked Star Trek. And thanks.

Abigail_Austin wrote:
SexySultryBabe wrote:
1 I'm a Sioux Indian 2 I worked at Victoria secrets and as a bartender 3 finally a professional musician 4 survived a total car crash when I was 20 got a huge scar on left arm to remind me and to remember how precious life is. 5 getting married Christmas day to my fiance which is also the day we met. 6 I'm 5'0 tall 7 I'm from South Dakota 8 my favorite food are burritos

Yay for burritos. Glad you made it through the car crash alright.

Some more stuff about me, 'cause why not?
I get anxious and nervous about upsetting people over the stupidest things, though I can hide it semi-well. I think this translates to my tendency to apologize often that I mentioned in my last post.

I can be kinda ditzy at times and just not get the most obvious things.

I am horrible with directions.

I've lost count of how many characters I have on here... I think now, it's like, 50+?

I'm tiny. Like... really tiny. 4'11" to be exact.

I love causing drama between characters, but not actual people.

I think I may have a thing for redheaded characters... I have a ton of them.

I think I might also have a thing for freckled characters, though I think that may partially be because I have freckles myself. Though, they're pretty spaced out.

My parents are both retired from the US Air Force.

I'm usually a pretty quiet person, though there are times where I could chat your ear off for ages, especially if I'm really excited about something.

I like country music. I think it's a sorely underappreciated genre on the internet.

I talk to myself. No, like really, I will talk to myself and not know I'm even doing it, especially if I'm working on homework or just focusing a lot on working on something in general. Though, it's usually me just talking myself through what I'm doing. (Like, "Okay, if I do this... nope, that didn't work. Maybe this... okay, that looks good.")

Despite having a lot of characters on here, only a handful of them are guys. Most of them are girls, though I try to keep them all unique.
I knew this day would come.

-sighs- Alright. It’s finally gonna come out! Your gonna learn some things about me !!! I hope your happy. Haha.

1. I love roleplaying romance. Just something about watching two characters form a bond and grow is just amazing.

2. The longest roleplay I had lasted four years. It was a romance family roleplay where we had the seventh generation before the world ended.

3. I can forgot I have a roleplay going sometimes because of my busy life. So I apologize to anyone I have a story with and haven’t replied yet! Message me if your still waiting on me !!!! -cries-


5. My age is what it is on my profile....I see you judging me!!!

6. I love making people smile. As some of you know from my mistakes with auto correct has made some funny moments during down days.

7. I rp on my computer and phone. But you can tell when I am on my phone and when I am on my computer.

8. I love talking to my partners when we are doing a story but only if they can break the ice...I’m a shy guy okay... -looks for a plumber in overalls- so gonna get stomped again...

9. I do enjoy video games when and if I have time because work, life, and rp comes first xD

So that’s nine facts about me. I might do more but I think that’s enough for now.
A fun little fact about me is that I absolutely LOVE Frozen.
However, I love Frozen because I took a Hans Christian Andersen course in college, and he wrote the story "The Snow Queen", which was the inspiration for Frozen. Disney actually put a lot of little nods and easter eggs regarding HCA and "The Snow Queen". My class, which was only about five of us, actually got to host a Liberal Arts chapel (I went to a Christian college so chapel was MWF in the morning), centered around HCA and Frozen!

It was so much fun. Hit me up for the info about Frozen tidbits, I'm more than happy to share. >3>

Lanx12 wrote:
I knew this day would come.

-sighs- Alright. It’s finally gonna come out! Your gonna learn some things about me !!! I hope your happy. Haha.

3. I can forgot I have a roleplay going sometimes because of my busy life. So I apologize to anyone I have a story with and haven’t replied yet! Message me if your still waiting on me !!!! -cries-


5. My age is what it is on my profile....I see you judging me!!!

6. I love making people smile. As some of you know from my mistakes with auto correct has made some funny moments during down days.

3. You usually respond well 😊

4. I've noticed and it's awesome, don't hide lol... That's my job.

5. I'm not judging! Age or gender doesn't matter at allll.

6. 😂😂😂😂 Yes and yes 😂😂😂😂
haunt Topic Starter

more stuff about me because i’m bored in the waiting room

-i don’t drive because i have really bad insomnia and on school nights i get about 2-3 hours of sleep every night. i feel like if i’m too tired to do basic math, i’m way too tired to drive lmao. i also read somewhere that when you’re sleep deprived your brain functions like you’re drunk so basically i’d be drunk driving constantly and uh

-i have such a wild taste in music i like pretty much everything. i don’t really like modern country that plays on the radio and stuff but there’s a few country-ish songs that i like

-i really like boots and 99% of the shoes i wear are boots

-i could probably live off of starbucks’ pumpkin spice lattes

-i have two cats, rocky and artemis

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