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Forums » Smalltalk » Epic Characters (Once More, with a Sundae Twist)

Good morning everyone!

Have you ever felt that a character was simply so well designed and lovely that it deserved 10 x Kudos?
Well, here is a chance to show appreciation in a different way.

Rules of the Raffle:

(1) with the writer profile, post here once about one character you absolutely love and adore, explaining why - give them a proper kudos, will you? :) also, please link the character, so that we can all admire them!
(2) no anonymous characters are allowed - this character must be linked to a writer
(3) only one entry per writer is allowed, but the same character can be featured several times (and they will get more chances)
(4) you have until 100 characters have been entered into the raffle, or until Friday 30 August 10 am EST, whichever comes soonest - the raffle will be held anytime after
(5) entries will be numbered and a dice roll 1d100 will be used for prizes
(6) prizes will be sent to the winning characters directly


1 x A giant ice cream sundae, smothered in fudge.


2 x Greasy, delicious strips of bacon.


Be generous, and have fun!

Edit: The rules are ambiguous on purpose; it could be one of your characters you love and want to showcase as well, or a character written by another writer. It’s the character who counts here! <3


1. Dunedain-Ranger - Anastasia Josephine by ShanaPrimRose.
2. Mipps - Frank Efferson by Juls.
3. Juls - Pint by MordosKull.
4. Mercyinreach - Inqenix Zun Ehm'hod by DarkCrow.
5. Dndmama - Hadley Thatch by Mercyinreach.
6. Hikari_Yagaza - Elton Membrane by Membranethevenomous2.
7. Key-Blue - Jaheira by Miarup.
8. Somnom - Roman by Kruhee.
9. Kruhee - Ruby by Somnom.
10. Volka - Corbeau
11. Krispythekritter - Vyala by Another.
12. Auberon - Kenzi
13. emroidz - Sealena
14. Demilicious - Talon - PrinceLacrima.
15. Hadeslicious- Einar by Troylocke.

Now, three entries have been made for anonymous characters, but the writers have been identified, so they can stand.

So many to choose from it's hard to pick just one. I decided I will showcase here Anastasia Josephine who was created and written by ShanaPrimRose. A character of mine has been in an RP with Ana since last year sometime, and I really love the way the story is building! It is Epic, so Ana deserves Epic recognition!

Lets see if i do this right.

Frank Efferson played by Juls
Why? Because Frank has so much depth; a well written background and purpose. I know Frank is a bit profile light but have you roleplayed with him? The details in how he lives, how he saddles his horse "Apple Pie" and how he talks just makes him pop. While SO many can make a character feel "alive" Frank will slam you into an time-era; you feel like you are in an actual western. So for a character who is both alive and creates environment? He has ended up on my top list for one of the best characters I have head the pleasure of knowing <3
((Mipps... <3 I so wish I could nominate more than 1 cause this gal is phenomenal and pushes my writing up a notch!!))

This is a rather daunting task, DorianM! As I look over the looooong list of wonderful writers and characters I've interacted with over the past year that I've been a member of this site, there are so many good ones!

But I think I shall nominate the dwarf Pint, played by MordosKull


Pint's profile is very nicely put together. But even better is the way MordosKull portrays him. He's got a delightful mix of humor, dwarven courage (bordering on recklessness at times... but that makes him all the more believable), a good heart, and a solid backstory that comes through a little at a time through RP.

We're on our second adventure together, so pushing a year's worth of RP now, but I know there's still more to learn about Pint! :) There's probably no one better to have your back when venturing into the unknown!
I nominate Inqenix as an epic as hell character. I love him as does my character Zedai (though she doesn't...know it yet.)

He is so well written in RP, his backstory and species information is super details and Inq is just a pleasure really. I am so excited for the interaction between him and my Zedai to go even further, plot, drama, fluff, and everything the under the sun.

It helps that Inq's writer is DarkCrow an amazing RPer and friend who I have like 4+ rps with at the moment and probably will have 50 by the time we are 40 tbh.
Well, since Mercy did Darkcrow, I'mma do Mercy!

I'm not even going to do one I'm in an rp with, just one I wish I was.

Take a look at Hadley!

Her face claim is adorable. Her wardrobe and style are super cool. Her backstory is interesting. She's so 'Adventure is out there!' and I love it. I actually offered to rp with her when Mercy made her, but I lost out to another rper (Who I'm sure deserved it. No hard feelings!) Her character page is beautiful and detailed and she's got journal entries and it's just so so good. Props!
I feel like I got to give a kudos to someone I started an rp with recently.

Elton membrane.

This character is well written and the perfect blend of grey. Hes so clearly a bad guy but yet its done in a way that shows his humanity and his ruthlessness.

As someone who cant write villian characters that well yet, its such a joy to see an evil character written with a likeable side.

Im hoping that our rp goes on a long time :D
There are lots of characters that I admire and it's super hard to choose just one, but... I will say Jaheira by Miarup because I'm not normally a sci-fi person and yet I still thought Jaheria was aces.

Jaheira's profile is just so immersive and awesome. It's formatted beautifully, written well and I don't know... it just has all these little details and touches that made me feel interested in a world and story that I'm not even a part of! It feels like a labour of love and it really shows. 10/10
Thank you for hosting this generous raffle!! That's so amazingly sweet of you.

I'm only entering because I want to sing the praises that are Roman and the writer Kruhee.

Roman is such an amazingly nuanced and detailed character. While there's a lot of information on the profile for him, you really don't know everything there is to him until you start writing. Even then, it's a slow burn of uncovering mystery and hidden gems. Like with all her characters, Kruhee has thought out a full web of connections to other people and characters for Roman that makes sense, that all play into the overall story as well as having their own individual ordeals. I also really like how the character will make the hard choices if it's for the benefit of those he cares about. He's powerful without being overpowered, he's nice without being a pushover, he's strong without being hyper masculine.
Thank you for running this, it makes me so happy to see all these characters loved by others! It's a real positive experence and now I'm going to use it to talk about a character that I love, love, loooove! There is this character, her name is Ruby and she is played by Somnom. The words to describe Ruby are hard to find, but the way I feel about her is not. She is quirky without being impossible to play with. She is nice, without being too kind and she is WEEEEIRD in all the very best of ways. Ruby is to me what the pinnacle of creating a nuanced character looks like. She has a lot of secrets, and a lot of ways she can be played to suit the game she's in, but it's not her unusual and wonderfully fleshed out powers that makes her a treasure, and it's not the beautiful way she's described by Somnom in her profile. It's this little something extra in game that truly makes it feel like you could have met her in a dream.
Mina Moderator

Okay! The last time I played this I highlighted one of my favorite players/characters so this go around I'm going to choose a different one. Because even if I don't win, the real prize is being able to make someone feel valued and appreciated. We put a lot of work into our characters, so knowing somone sees them as we intended them to be seen can really mean a lot. :D

This go around my choice is Corbeau. She's both striking and unique in a visual sense. There is no other character who looks remotely like this one and that adds to the appeal of her to me, making her seem all the more real and tangible. She is anything but a trope, despite the lengthy list of them on her intro page. There is a reason for every mannerism and belief with this character and I think that's beautiful. Even her eccentric aesthetic comes with an explanation. There is no shortage of grit here either, instead we are treated to a healthy sprinkling of it. No, her life has not been easy and the page along with her development will tell you this. What I find refreshing however is that through her varied traumas and issues, Beau also isn't a total disaster of a person. There are obvious nods to the parts of her life which could be considered lucky, or privelaged and these bits add a healthy, realistic contrast to the darkness of the character. Duality is something that takes an immense amount of skill to personify, as a writer. Too often do we see the edgy badgirl with a dark backstory and a grim outlook, who has been ironically cursed with being a single note, OR the posh princess who has a perfect life with everything handed to them, baring that same curse no matter how pristine she is. Beau is neither. Instead she is a walking piece of art with several layers of paint on top, each applied in a different fashion meant to compliment or contrast the others where needed. We're treated as readers in being able to see each of these brush strokes clearly. This balances the character's psyche, personality, and overall presence to a strong degree.

She is consistent, each time you see her in action or read something in relation you know this is the same character, behaving like the same person each and every time. She never acts in a way which would denote the tailoring of a reaction for the audience's sake. I really admire this character and it is my hope that as I continue to watch her develop, some of that talent the writer possesses will rub off on me as a reader. :D
Thanks for doing this raffle Dorian. You made it really hard this time around. It is hard for me to pick just one character from myself or any of my friends. There have been numerous characters that I have fallen in love with. I had considered choosing one of my characters since that was allowed but it is an anon character and not allowed within the raffle. I could have change it to make it but I felt this was better since everyone else is nominating other people's characters. I think for this raffle I will pick someone that tends to stay out of the spotlight but has crafted a wonderful character.

Vyala holds a certain mysterious feel about her. She does give away a great deal of information but that just adds to the effect. She holds a great deal of power but as the character is written it is does not feel like the character is overpowered. There are weaknesses and the character is not immortal nor immune to attacks. The sense of realism and believable aspects are quite amazing. There is good balance that the writer really brings to light when it comes to interacting. While the character is crafted to fit into the realm of Skyrim, which I know very little about, the writer Another works with you to fit her into other settings. We have a historical RP that is really enthralling and immersive.

The details on the page are enough to give you a solid grasp of the character and Vyala grows and changes over time. There is also other information to place the character within different settings which allow the character to be more versatile. Truly a wonderful character that I hope I can fully enjoy in the days to come. I have only struck the tip of the iceberg in trying to convey the wonders that I have experience with this character.
Auberon Moderator

Volka beat me to this thread (thank you for your kind words about my Beau ;o; ), but here's my love ballad to Kenzi:

So often, you see backwoods southern characters fall into a mess of stereotypes. It's yeehaw this, or y'all that, but Kenzi comes packed full of substance from a writer who knows how to sell it. She possesses a degree of social naivete which is tempered by life experience and the ability to get her hands dirty (in a figurative and literal sense). She's blue collar through and through, but written in a way that isn't degrading to people who come from that walk of life. Kenzi isn't a caricature, she's a well-rounded character with a wealth of personality. I've been dying to plot with her for well over a year, and I'm lucky to finally have the opportunity to explore all the themes and backstory Kenzi has to offer.
Lena, played by the eternal and extraordinary talent Rae, is someone impossibly important and intrinsic to my boy Percy's story. She is pure and precious and must be protected at all costs. It's a very difficult thing to perpetuate a character who is a grown woman but very child-like due to incredibly tragic circumstances, but Rae's portrayal of Lena is something so incredibly sweet and wonderful to behold. Her curiosity is infinite, her want to learn is boundless, and in Percy, both fulfill something so profoundly happy and mutually satisfying in that teacher-and-student/guardian-and-ward relationship. Their dynamic has been something under near constant revision as they develop, both singularly and together, and I love nothing more than all of the SUPER awkward predicaments poor Percy gets caught up in simply because Lena doesn't know any better.

I love Lena and I love Rae. Lena is as much Percy's best friend as Rae is mine, and I hope she wins, because she deserves it <333
Talon, or rather 'Cherry' as my character Vincent calls him, is truly wonderful. In fact, Talon is why Sky (PrinceLacrima) and I started talking in the first place if memory serves correctly. While Sky was skittish at first, Talon really found a home within my heart. Sky writes him smashingly. A ginger who's not afraid to get in your face, say what he means and get what he wants. Sure, he lives on the outskirts of society, doing what he can to get by, but he has innate sense of wanting to do better, and not be the lost man he is. In truth, Talon represents a very human want and need; to be loved and accepted. But his sassy attitude and quick wit are the most cherished of defense mechanisms. Talon & Vincent's dynamic is something I positively adore. <3

*Slides in with a near miss entry*

I want to point the finger at Einar by Troylocke.

Einar has been quite fun to get to know through story, though my character knows little about him, myself as the writer has come to understand a great deal about him. He's fun, but thoughtful and even thought provoking. I've had a great time with the story for him, though we have barely gotten it off the ground with my slow replies. Troylocke really puts incredible writing and good character build to the test and shows his skills and merit in doing so. I am always excited to get these replies, though I hardly mention this to any of my RP partners. I don't get to talk to Troylocke much either, but I have to say he's lived up to the expectations when he was suggested to me as a new writing partner and even gone beyond them. Einar is a blast and I can't wait to really see where the story goes when I manage to start getting to my replies again.

I did want to also silently commemorate C*** and Z**** as well, by you Dorian. I've grown increasingly attached to both of these characters, but since you are the one hosting this event it felt a little out of place to boast your characters. Perhaps in another raffle. <3
DorianM Topic Starter

Okay, so slight tweaks for the raffle: rolling 1d20, if 16-20 then re-roll! Oh boy :)

First, the sundae!

rolled 1d20 and got 16

DorianM Topic Starter


rolled 1d20 and got 9

DorianM Topic Starter

Hahaha, we have a winner for the sundae, Ruby by Somnom! Congrats! Woo!

Now, bacon rolls!

rolled 1d20 and got 3

rolled 1d20 and got 15

DorianM Topic Starter

And we have our winners!

Pint by MordosKull
Einar by Troylocke

So awesome! Thank you for participating!

You are on: Forums » Smalltalk » Epic Characters (Once More, with a Sundae Twist)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus