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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Ciel (played anonymously)


Ciel was startled by the comment towards Sebastian. Instead of being able to say a response, his voice just cracked and he stumbled over his words (switching between his normal and high pitched voice because he was too startled to know what to do), and Sebastian cracked a smile at seeing his master so panicked and flustered.

Thankfully, the twelve cans of silly string distraction managed to get Ciel to calm down and collect himself. "sebastian- stoplaughingyoubastard-" Ciel hissed underneath his breath, tightly grasping his dress in contained anger.
A pot would ding Drael right between the eyes as it would be flung from the kitchen.
Tensai (played by randomentity777)

"I didn't know Ciel had a sister."
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel turned his head to Tensai, his face was slowly turning a bright red. "Oh, yes! I am.. am.. Robin Phantomhive!" Ciel stated, in his high pitched voice.
Sebastian covered his own mouth, hiding a smirk of amusement watching Ciel get so embarrassed.
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia would then be pushing in a giant crate of pears with her brother Olly and her (new) acquaintance, Olendria... But, the crate seems to be... comically large, probably larger than Monstro or Gurdy from The Binding of Isaac- wait. wrong game- sh*t-

"My goodness, this crate is HEAVY! How many pears did we end up picking anyway?! I lost count!"

(Good news everyone. Olivia and Olendria has ended their rivalry :3)
Olendria (played anonymously)

As mentioned by Olivia, Olendria was indeed pushing the giant crate of pears with both Olly and Olivia. She seems to be very exhausted but she helps out regardless. She then tiredly speaks over to Olivia, frustrated.

"I don't know, Olivia! Maybe if you would count the pears in this giant a*s crate next time, maybe we could just divide the pears collected into different crates instead of having to push in ONE SINGLE GOD DAMN GIANT HEAVY CRATE OF PEARS!... oh dear, excuse my yelling, but it's true Olivia. Next time, get multiple crates and divide pears into them in case we get a huge load of em."
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel tried to sneak away further into the bar to try and not be spotted so easily, being out in the open, only to trip on his dress and fall over behind a table.
Sebastian sighed and walked over to help him up.
Olly (played anonymously)

Oh, and for Mr Olly? He's sleeping on the job on helping the two. What a jerk. "Zzz..."
Ciel (played anonymously)

(( Ciel Robin Phantomhive:
Certified Dumbass 😂 ))
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia wrote:
Olivia would then be pushing in a giant crate of pears with her brother Olly and her (new) acquaintance, Olendria... But, the crate seems to be... comically large, probably larger than Monstro or Gurdy from The Binding of Isaac- wait. wrong game- sh*t-

"My goodness, this crate is HEAVY! How many pears did we end up picking anyway?! I lost count!"

(Good news everyone. Olivia and Olendria has ended their rivalry :3)

He went to the office to get Olivia and Olendria's pay. He handed the $200 each to them "pleasure doing business with you, as always"
He started cutting up the pears Olivia brought
Medea was looking at some papers, he kinda stared down at them in disbelief..

"Huh..-" he mutters "I have a kid-"
Kupid (played anonymously)

Kupid was sleeping in the rafters. How in The Heavens did he get up there?
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max walks in in a hawiw t shirt and jeans * max: whoa hay hows everyone doing * he said with a joyful tone *
He burns up the letter with some black flames, smiling up at the man in the raafters "Im doing well.." he muttered, stretching for a moment, and jumping up there himself
Kupid (played anonymously)

The noise woke him up, so he batted his eyes open and sighed, before noticing Medea. "Oh.. well hello there." Kupid raised his brows, though he wasn't surprised, as his eyes looked more half-asleep than anything.
"You know its not safe to sleep up here, what if you fall?" He'd ask "You'd probably just get hurt or something, there are plenty of actually bedrooms here—" Medea seemed to just keep talking, it was mostly nonsense because thats how slow my brain is running-
Kupid (played anonymously)

Kupid rolled over onto his stomach, gently holding onto the rafter with his arms. "I'll be fine." He smiled, narrow-eyed.
"How'd you get up here, anyway? I don't see any wings on you." Kupid looked him up and down.
"Demons dont have wings hun" he chuckled "Im just strong, superhumanly strong, thats all" he'd say, stretching his legs "I can also strengthen my body with Mana"

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