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Forums » Smalltalk » Say something only your generation will understand

You can easily find your way from Lumbridge to Varrock by following the trails of campfires.

hurricane tortilla

edit: only gen z who grew up broke will understand: cyberchase
Aardbei Topic Starter

Saturninum wrote:
hurricane tortilla

edit: only gen z who grew up broke will understand: cyberchase

Joke's on you I'm broke gen y and I understand cyberchase!
Tin baths, outside netties, and chip butties. And, don't forget the Y.T.S.

I trust this video will count?
What about plugged nickles? Or wooden nickles? I am sure many would know wash boards but have you washed on one? A juice squeezer. A sock hop.
Aardbei Topic Starter

Katia wrote:

I trust this video will count?

Pure nostalgia... And also frustrating when someone else in the house wants to make a phonecall. -.-
TheCreator7 wrote:
What about plugged nickles? Or wooden nickles? I am sure many would know wash boards but have you washed on one? A juice squeezer. A sock hop.

Actually yeah, we used a washboard in my old apartment because the laundromat wanted highway robbery to use the machines. >:(
"After level 8-4, the mushrooms all turn into beetles."

"I know you called, I know you called...Star 69."

"Joey is cuter than Jordan. And Donnie is so fine."

Aardbei Topic Starter

Abigail_Austin wrote:
"After level 8-4, the mushrooms all turn into beetles."

"I know you called, I know you called...Star 69."

"Joey is cuter than Jordan. And Donnie is so fine."


Ah star 6 9, the way you redial the last number that called... I wonder if it still works.
I guess phones these days have call logs, heh.
I replied to a bunch of things!
Aardbei wrote:
[...] gen y [...]

Was that intentional, having been such a short-lived name that only a subset of a generation actually recognizes or identifies with it, or did ya just not feel like typing out "millennial?" XD

Katia wrote:
See more

I trust this video will count?

Yup. But that was widespread enough to be pretty notable to 2-3 generations.

TheCreator7 wrote:
See more
What about plugged nickles? Or wooden nickles? I am sure many would know wash boards but have you washed on one? A juice squeezer. A sock hop.

I might know what plugged nickles are (is that one of the coin-inside-a-coin, uh, coins?), I've had wooden nickles and I think some places still make them, and I'm familiar with multiple items that seem appropriate to call a "juice squeezer" (so I don't know). I know what a washboard is, but indeed have never used one, nor do I understand what would have made them useful; I remember my mom doing laundry in the bathtub, just swishing things around with a hand and sometimes rubbing things more directly together for stubborn bits. I think I've heard of a sock hop, I might know what it is, but that's as much as I got for that one. ^^;

And I'm a millennial.

Abigail_Austin wrote:
See more
"After level 8-4, the mushrooms all turn into beetles."

"I know you called, I know you called...Star 69."

"Joey is cuter than Jordan. And Donnie is so fine."


My first thought was "hey, aren't you the generation before mine? I know some of those." Then I checked and realized you're right on the line of baby Gen-X and elder Millennial, so... makes sense. XD

If the teacher pops a test
I know~ I'm in a mess
And my dog ate all my homework last night
Riding low in my chair
She won't know that I'm there
If I can hand it in tomorrow it will be~ al~right~!


"Make my monster grow!"


"Who let the dogs out?"
"Guess the dance is over."


Let me know if you get this one without checking the spoiler.

"Previously on X-Men... "
Magical Liopleurodon, Chaaaaaarlieeee!
Sillybandz. I genuinely miss them and remember the few months craze! I still have about twenty I wear from time to time, but really wish I had more so I could make color schemes while still having twenty-five or so on my arm.

...I looked it up. They are still being sold. Guess what I'm doing when I get some wiggle room in wallet town.

I spose this would be more of a 'no generation after me will probably get this' vs something only my generation will understand. Except... Maybe the thrill of opening a new pack!🤭

Road work ahead..?

Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does..
Aardbei Topic Starter

GigaBit wrote:
Road work ahead..?

Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does..

Your avatar works so well with this quote. XD
Zelphyr wrote:
My first thought was "hey, aren't you the generation before mine? I know some of those." Then I checked and realized you're right on the line of baby Gen-X and elder Millennial, so... makes sense. XD

You're exactly right. I have ALWAYS identified as Generation X, but begrudgingly, just recently, I have finally had to admit to myself that I have some cultural things in common with Millennials that older Gen X people just don't understand. By the time I was in school, for example, they were talking a lot about self-esteem, and corporal punishment was pretty much history. Those are two things older Gen X find foreign I've noticed. I have finally accepted the term Xennial to describe my unique position at the border of the two generations. Lol.
Zelphyr wrote:

If the teacher pops a test
I know~ I'm in a mess
And my dog ate all my homework last night
Riding low in my chair
She won't know that I'm there
If I can hand it in tomorrow it will be~ al~right~!

Yep yeppp. And Mario Lopez has still hardly aged.

Since I'm in here answering that comment I'll also go again:


Slap bracelets! And Oregon Trail (soon-to-be a musical).
Don't forget to wind back the VHS >: C
"Hey, did you see that Vine? So funny!"
Aardbei Topic Starter

Banshee wrote:
Don't forget to wind back the VHS >: C

And then it gets tangled and you have to spend an hour carefully putting it back in the case. :)
Anakisuto wrote:
"Hey, did you see that Vine? So funny!"

One meme to rule them all
One meme to find them
One meme to bring them all
And in the internetz VINE them
Abigail_Austin wrote:
And Mario Lopez has still hardly aged.

*googles* ...holy [bleep]. Are you sure he's not a vampire or something?

Mm, reminds me, something I'm not sure even most of those in my generation would know: "Don't be evil."

Might as well also toss in, "Dude, you're gettin' a Dell!"
Beans and cornbread had a fight.....

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