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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Without Darth, I would have never stuck around. He's one of the nicest, coolest people here and I completely adore him. - TheLily

  • Jay took a picture and helped me thread together an entire world to help encourage me to keep a character I was thinking of tossing. He is probably the most intelligent person you will RP on this whole site and he's super humble too. - TheLily

  • I put up something in the RP discussion forum. Caribou didn't just respond, but now he's completely invaluable for the plot I'm drawing for my character! He's not afraid to make something new to fit the plot. That alone deserves kudos! - TheLily

  • I was talking to Claine last night and I was included to look at her profiles. I was then in awe again at how beautiful they are. She certainly knows how to make custom profiles! - TheLily

  • This is one beautiful character. It's not just the art. She keeps the descriptions quick and easy to read, while being interesting at the same time. for a fantasty character, this one is the tops! - TheLily

  • As far as making characters goes, Celestina is the QUEEN! She has so many interesting characters that it's hard not to wonder what goes on in that head of hers. - TheLily

  • Lilith (played by kuroi_neko)
    I've only just started to play with Hyacinth, but I have to say, she is one of the sweetest, cutest characters I've ever had the pleasure of playing with! For a Fallen she has a beautifully humble story without going overboard to be charged with saving the world. - TheLily

  • Sam Wilson (played anonymously)
    Many people are afraid to play older and scrawny characters. Not Jay! Sam's been through some bad times and has the marks to prove it both physically and mentally. Not only that, Sam is 44 years old and not the pinnacle of youth. That is something to be commended! :D - Sanne

  • Thorgrim (played by Lai)
    Thorgrim is one of my favorite characters out there. He is incredibly genuine, full of flaws and hopes and troubles, and his player writes them all in the most engaging and realistic way. He defies the cliche. - Ilmarinen

  • Tara Ilendi (played by Terel)
    Speaking with Tara is like, well, speaking with a Terelain Xenoanthropologist. She's a wonderful, fun character and she's also enormously in-characer for a superold anthropomorphic feline lady ;) - Alecia

  • You will either love or hate Myron, but there is no chance you will stay nonchalant about him! He is very fun to play with - you can never know what funny or silly thing he will say or do next and his way of bragging is just ridiculously charming! Warning: might cause extreme grumpiness or violent actions from sulky types. - Sadrain

  • Hisaru (played by Spy)
    Interesting, absolutely gorgeously developed character that always keeps both the player and other characters on their toes in most fascinating ways - I am always curious for the next reply (which are wonderfully written)! And, well, who can resist a man with such a smile? <3 - Sadrain

  • Tyron (played by Freyya)
    Although I have not played with Tyron, I really enjoyed watching his profile grow, be developed and all the thoughts and ideas that have been put into him. I am sure that the ship descriptions are clear proof of the skill that will be used in playing this character as well, so I am definitely recommending him! - Sadrain

  • Lovely character, can rp very nice long detailed posts, and is a all around good rper. OOCly shes sweet and nice to just speak to. If you want a good quality poster/rper look no more shes right here :p - EdtheNeko

  • I used to roleplay with KeriKay aggggessss ago. Maybe four years ago. I remember admiring her for her flowing, no-nonsense writing and her strong characters. - phylus

  • Very East to Role play with. Easy to respond to, and just might give you that little something we all look for. - RadKat

  • I've been friends with this wonderful wizard for a number of years now. I consider him a good friend well worth knowing, a trustworthy individual and delightful conversationalist, and all around an incredible mind. His talents for creating diverse and complex characters is matched only by the brilliant writing and artistic skills to used to really bring them to life. He's one of my favorite people in the entire world! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Tar

  • A very good person to roleplay with, and very easy to work with for existing plotlines. - Eaite

  • While we aren't able to see Trowa on the forum much, I always have a blast whenever he wanders into the--I MEAN MY--chat thread and we get to catch up on what the other has been up to.

    I've also lurked in some of his rp threads, and I always enjoy reading what hes posted. - Bonebag

  • According to urban legend, Celes is a pretty good writer. According to those same rumors, it's whispered among the masses she might have won a contest or two for it. EVEN OTHERS SAY that she has quite the knack for transferring her thoughts into text, and giving others a fun time whenever she graces the role-play threads.

    Cliff notes: HER BACKGROUND IS ORANGE. SO ORANGE. I'VE NEVER SEEN MORE ORANGE IN MY LIFE. Oh, and she seems pretty legit. - Bonebag