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Forums » General Roleplay » (Open) The Character Waiting Rooms, 3rd Person

Vento (played by Reithesniper)

Vento ignored the furred dude as she'd leave with quite a large amount of food "Amazing!" She'd say as she'd walk back into the waiting room to inspect the noise
Pirate F (played by Jaws)

Len decided to hurry up and picked his coins, shoving them in his coat pocket.
Vento (played by Reithesniper)

Vento looked down st the man on the floor for a second noticing she had visibly shrunk but of course its just Rei changing the heights of characters to fit them, of course the wind is playful and normally pretty devilish at times
Pirate F (played by Jaws)

He looked up at her and spoke, "Have you seen a fairy anywhere?" His tone was full of venom yet panic when mentioning about a fairy.
Vento (played by Reithesniper)

"Not really-" she shrugged sending a block of tofu to the void that is her stomach
Pirate F (played by Jaws)

"I am not in Neverland then", Len stood up and ram towards the red door. The aroma of food hit his nose and he sighed in relief.
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

(( SillySpider, are you still here? :) ))
SillySpider Topic Starter

((yes stilld here))
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

(( Okay, good! I'll reply soon. :) ))
SillySpider Topic Starter

((sweet can't wait then. I actually thought you might have left XD ))
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

Kazehiki had eaten about a half of the small bowl of soup, curious of the newcomers that arrived at the waiting room. One seemed to be a pirate of some sort.
G.H.O.S.T family (played by SillySpider) Topic Starter

Ghost watched Kazehiki eat, glad to see them at least not having to be bribed to be fed healthy food.
Though, Ghost followed their gaze and saw that Kazehiki was looking at some of the new comers.
He wondered if Kazehiki had any children to play with where they came from, thinking that the boy might be lonely.

"Alright, just eat that last bit some more and we'll go get that smoothie". Ghost looked over at the large table of foods and drinks.
"What kind did you want, do you like strawberry, banana, heh ... chocolate?"
Ghost leaned forward a bit, resting his head on his hand as he watched the boy. Ears up and alert.
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

Kazehiki said warmly, "Is Vanilla an option?" He said, sniffling.
Mouse the Cat (played anonymously)

Mouse appeared in the waiting room, looking a little confused. She sits down and surveys her surroundings.
G.H.O.S.T family (played by SillySpider) Topic Starter

Ghost nods, "believe so", he stood and patted Kazeiki's head with his padded hand. Walking over to the table, Ghost sniffed around and easily found the scent of vanilla. Grabbing a cup, he put it to the strange modern machine that spit out the frosty drink. "Hmm ... such a strange machine". Ears flicking. Ghost turned back and brought the drink with him, holding it up to show Kazehiki.
He set it down and took the soup bowl from them. "So ... whachya think we should do? Doesn't seem like there is much here to right now, but could explore the green room if yah want." Ghost rests his arms on the table and lays his head down over them.
Mouse the Cat (played anonymously)

Mouse walks over to Ghost and Kazehiki, jumping on the table they were eating at. She sniffs his drink and attempts to drink some.
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

Kazehiki went to pick up the cup, then noticed the cat. "Kitty~" He smiled and began trying to pet it, not seeming to mind the cat trying to drink a little of his vanilla milkshake.
He then picked up the cat and put it in his lap, then grabbed the drink and proceeded to drink some of it himself.

He looked to Ghost, "T-That would be okay." He smiled at Ghost, a raspy voice still lingering lightly, before taking another sip of his drink.
G.H.O.S.T family (played by SillySpider) Topic Starter

Ghost ears stayed up as his red eyes widened. He thought he smelled a cat before, but now he was sure that this was the cause of the smell.
Luckily he doesn't mind cats since he's a fox. He hated rats so any cat that could catch a rat made him happy enough.
Still the sound of Kazehiki's voice worried him still. "Alright", he took the bowl back to the table. Thinking how weird it was that the dirty dishes always seem to disappear.

Ghost returned, and sat back down. "When your finished with your drink we'll go explore. And .... guess we can bring the cat too."
He tried tilting his head some to see if there was a collar that may have said what their name was.
Mouse the Cat (played anonymously)

Mouse looked up at Ghost, starting to purr abnormally loudly. She wasn't wearing a collar, and as he was looking for it, she playfully batted at his nose.
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

Kazehiki sipped the milkshake, looking at the cat with what seemed to have no name. He liked animals, they were cute and fuzzy.
Maybe that's why he liked Ghost so much? Not to mention Ghost was being so nice to him.

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