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Forums » Art & Creativity » Winter Art Trade!

artist_Elf.pngIt's that time of year again! Time for the Winter Art Trade! This year the trade is going to work a little bit differently. Hopefully you will all like it! The basics are the same, you will all sign up using a form during the sign up period and at the end of that period you will randomly be paired with another artist to draw their character(s). It works somewhat like a secret Santa, where you will draw the art as a surprise and give it to the other person on the due date! The major difference this year is the fact that we have two different levels of participation! Please be sure to read both descriptions so you can decide which group you would like to join :)

Please note that:

Backgrounds are wonderful to include but not necessary, and artists are only required to draw one character, even if you submit multiple ones :) I will also be out of town this weekend, so you will not receive your artist until the evening of November 3rd, CST :)


PLEASE BE CERTAIN YOU CAN COMPLETE YOUR ASSIGNED PIECE IN THE TIME ALLOWED. If you're not sure, just play it safe and don't enter. There's the Midsummer exchange if you can't make this one.


Dabbler Art Description:

This section is for anybody that would like to enter! That isn't to say that there is a lack of effort put into the artwork! These drawings are meant to be gifts and are given in the hopes of brightening someones day. The thought is what counts and a lot of love goes into these drawings no matter what the artist's skill level is.


Devotee Art Description:

This section is also open to anybody that would like to enter, but it is mostly focused on people who draw a lot and are confident in their art technique. The thought counts here as well, and a lot of time and effort are put into these drawings. They are gifts meant to brighten someones day!

[b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Brief physical description of the character:[/b] [b]Suggested environments:[/b] [b]Dabbler or Devotee:[/b] [b]Anything else we need to know:[/b] [b]If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)[/b]
Character Name: Kitain
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Keeps to himself, reserved
Brief physical description of the character: A tumble of dark curls hang unkempt about his face and his eyes resemble the grey of a storm cloud. He is usually covered in leathers and furs for warmth, but his body is fit beneath. He has a worried brow which can make him look upset or concerned more often than not and his face is usually shadowed in stubble.
Suggested environments: Snowy places, indoors.
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee
Anything else we need to know: Kit in rarely ever seen without his two wolfdogs or an animal of some sort. While it is not necessary to draw them as well, it would be nice :)
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No.

Character Name: Bade Ulf
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Werewolf
Gender: Male
Personality: Outgoing, laid back and fun loving
Brief physical description of the character: He is average height, muscled with lighter skin that freckles in the sun. His hair is tawny; a mixture of red, orange and brown and his eyes grey green.
More often than not, that hair is messy and thin coat of facial hair can be found on his face. His ears are pointed, canines sharper than they should be and his nose has a bump in it that translate into his wolf snout also. He likes to wear casual clothing like work boots, plaid shirts, wife beaters and jeans; usually ripped.

Wolf Body: Bade resembles a Maned Wolf in colors but is thicker and larger. He's also about the size of a small horse.
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee
Suggested environments: He lives in the city, but prefers to hang out in the forested areas.
Anything else we need to know: Recently Bade's run into trouble in his wolf body. If he were to be drawn as his furry self, he might look somewhat ferocious and feral.
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No.

Character Name: Rivett Khorjex
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Hellspawn Demon
Gender: Male
Personality: Flamboyant, outgoing and vain
Brief physical description of the character: He has a tall, svelte build and his skin is a patchwork of brown, black and white like a painted horse. He has two tan horns atop his head which grow forward and curl up by his forehead and his ears are longer and more curled than a humans. His hair grows on his head and down his spine all the way to the end of his rather long tail; it is also tri-colored. His eyes are turquoise and he has orange spots on the corners of them. Rivett has tan hooves and wears something similar to a sarong or loincloth.
Suggested environments: Anywhere; Rivett is a Reaper and his job sends him literally to all places.
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee
Anything else we need to know: Rivett loves his appearance and unicorns... So he'd be properly groomed and maybe have a stuffed unicorn.
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No
Kim Site Admin

Entering at Devotee level.

Character #1
Character Name: Safiye

Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Personality: Born noble, skilled in the ways of charm and diplomacy, serious about noblesse oblige toward her people, but with an ambitious streak that may lead her to do unkind things in secret if she thinks it will help her get ahead.

Brief physical description of the character: Delicate and fine featured, but still unmistakeably imposing. Not in the way that a warrior is imposing; she's just used to leadership. Pale white skin, black hair. When loose, it reaches past her waist, but most often it is upswept in ornate styles and often woven with strands of pearls or glittering with gems. On official occasions, a coronet adorns her brow, dripping silver chains like strands of cobweb bedewed in opals. She has many fashionable clothes, but unfailingly chooses shades of blue. Most often, she is seen in corseted gowns, carefully calculated to accentuate her feminine figure without appearing too immodest.

Suggested environments: Anything sort of upper-class medieval/renaissancey. Castles and ballrooms are where she's normally found. If outdoors, then in a garden, never out in the wild... Although I guess I could make an exception if you wanted to draw her somewhere snowy for Christmas. :)

Anything else we need to know: You can take some liberties with the exact design of her clothing. It can be fantasy, so long as it's medieval or renaissance inspired. There is tons and tons of info about her on her site, but the one thing that isn't talked about there (because it isn't common IC knowledge) is her dagger. The dagger is sentient and a central part of her storyline. If you want you may include Dagger in the image - he is a black blade about the length of her forearm, with a golden hilt engraved with a fancy S. If you need to know something else, feel free to ask.

Character #2
Character Name: Aria

Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:

Species: Half-drow. Other half is human, but her skin is so dark she looks almost entirely drow. Safiye from above is her mom.

Gender: Female

Personality: Curious, serious, cautious. Opens up to a select few people and becomes more playful when she is comfortable. Loves music, especially violin. Also enjoys "helping" the cooks in the castle where she lives to make dinner. They keep her out from underfoot by giving her things to stir. Occasionally also tries to help in the garden -- she likes to grow herbs more than flowers.

Brief physical description of the character: Four years old, very tiny and delicate but definitely still has a bit of that baby chubbiness on her. Her skin is just a few shades lighter than black. Not brown, not any of the colors we usually mean when we say a human being is "black" -- black. Like ink. She could probably pass for full drow despite being half human. Her mother usually dresses her up in pretty little girl's clothes, poofy dresses with bows and the like. Always in white, however.

Suggested environments: Medieval nursery, fit for a noble heir. A well tended garden. Anywhere sort of upper-class medieval that a child might safely go is acceptable. But like above, I could make an exception if you wanted to draw her somewhere snowy for Christmas. :)

Anything else we need to know: Just in case you don't know, drow are basically evil elves that live underground. With black skin. Aria isn't evil, though. She's just a kid.

Character #3
Character Name: Aethaerraent

Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:

Species: Illithid/Mind Flayer

Gender: Genderless

Personality: Cold, calculating, evil, mind-reading and book-obsessed

Brief physical description of the character: A squidlike head with large bulging white eyes. Palish mauve skin. Glistens with wetness. Very long fingers; no pinkies. See the picture on its page for reference! Long black robes with a high collar. The hem has several extra inches, because its primary locomotion is hovering above the ground. The hem is intended to touch the ground to give the impression that Aeth is really that tall. Magical symbols all over the thing, although mostly in black beads so the symbols are more like a sheen.

Suggested environments: In dark libraries at night, in caves, or transparent background.

Anything else we need to know: This character is often accompanied by The Book, a very important "prop." There's a section on the book here:

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Aria and Safiye could be. These two love each other but also often have a melancholy sort of relationship, so if you're up for a challenge you could try to reflect that. Aethaerraent doesn't know either of them and wouldn't get along with them.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Entering as a Devotee!

Character Name: Heimdall
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: feral Viking dragon
Gender: none
Personality: Bitter and haunted, fairly grumpy, yet secretly desperate for affection.
Brief physical description of the character: A large and very spiky black dragon bulging with muscles. It has big curled ram horns and glittering golden teeth, including a pair of tusks. Please note that this year it differs: please don't draw any jewels on it. Instead, if you can draw chains and shackles, that would be great.
Suggested environments: On a tropical beach or in a dungeon
Anything else we need to know: Heimdall has runic carvings on its tongue (ref on its page) so if its tongue is visible, please show them! :D

Character Name: Magnus
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: human
Gender: cis man
Personality: Goofy and competitive, loves to show himself off.
Brief physical description of the character: A muscular Pokemon trainer with a heart of gold. He trains both as a Pokemon trainer and as a bodybuilder. He waxes off his body hair, and usually wears a bandanna on his head. His hair is short except for sideburns and two long spiky anime bangs. He has a few different outfits (listed on his page).
Suggested environments: Pretty much anything Pokemon-related. If you want to draw him with any Pokemon, you can see their refs here.
Anything else we need to know: Nothing really.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Nope!

Character Name: Tachs
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Gerbil/rat
Gender: Not Obvious
Personality: curious, foolish, naive. Can at times be cruel. Sheltered.
Brief physical description of the character: Standing at around 3'9, Tachs is a gerbil who appears youthful, and is fairly skinny in the negative tense. Tachs has tan fur, with brown at the 'points': arms from elbows down, legs from knees down, tail, nose, and ears. White hair that is mainly wild, but seems to curl to the left as if wind is blowing from the right. Pink eyes with heavy lower lids. Digitigrade, doesn't wear shoes. The clothing is made of silk, and can be seen in the picture linked.
Suggested environments: As I don't have the inside of Tachs' hat yet drawn up, I'd prefer if you do a simple background instead of an actual environment.
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee
Anything else we need to know: The hat is magical and is actually a house. Furthermore, Tachs has a human illusion form that could also be drawn, instead - the same description for personality, the same clothes (plus black shoes). Warm brown skin, same pink eyes and white hair, with buck teeth that are messed up as such: click! And a link to the human's page/picture: cliiick!
Character Name: Luna Song
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Elf
Gender: F
Personality: Kinda rude. Snarky. Violent. Still good-natured though.
Brief physical description of the character: Small, scarred, grumpy. Long hair that reaches her ankles (indigo/vioet - real dark) with short bangs. Wears various robes and cloaks. Yellow eyes. Cresent moon shaped hair clip.
Suggested environments: Anything nighttime or foresty!
Dabbler or Devotee: DEVOTEE YO
Anything else we need to know: NOPE

Character Name: Nameless
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: abomination lol
Gender: Female
Personality: Curious, babylike.
Brief physical description of the character: Really scrawny, pale dead looking skin, short dark brown hair cut in a bob. Various horns jut out from her. Fingers are elongated and clawlike, feet are inhuman (has reference photos).
Suggested environments: Anything!
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee
Anything else we need to know: Nope!

Character Name: N/A
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Half-elf
Gender: F, looks androgynous
Personality: Feral! Very feral. Violent, dumb, skittish, curious, scared.
Brief physical description of the character: Small and underweight. Has tan skin. Hair and eyes are undecided! :D. Often wears only a fur loincloth (any color is fine) or other leathers, keeps chest bare. Hair is long and unkempt. Dirty skin.
Suggested environments: Anything woodsy or none at all is fine! Maybe a cave, too? Anything nature-y I guess. C:
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee
Anything else we need to know: Crouches a lot/walks on all fours. Adores jellies.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Yeah that's fine! :D
Dabbler or Devotee?: Devotee

Character Name: Aislin Amelia Lourdes
Character's Profile: The Witch
Species: Hereditary Witch
Gender: Female
Personality:Aislin is relatively quiet, unassuming, and self-contained. She has all the hallmarks of an individual whose real personality is as deep as the world is vast. At her core, she is warm, generous, charming, and dependable. She usually isn’t one to express her feelings verbally.
Brief physical description of the character: Please see profile.
Suggested environments: Out in nature or in an old fashioned kitchen surrounded with herbs.
Anything else we need to know: Nope, it's all in her profile.
Is it okay for your characters to be drawn together? No, thank you. <3

Character Name: Georgina Juliet Lumineer
Character's Profile: The Familiar
Species: Witch’s Familiar
Gender: Female
Personality: George is a shy feline but she has a tendency to be an emotional bottomless pit, alternatively enveloped in happiness, despair, or wrapped up in the throws of sarcasm, for no apparent rhyme or reason. She doesn’t feel things lightly. She loves attention and being talked to, being doted upon, and of course being cuddled. She is very cuddly.
Brief physical description of the character: Please see profile.
Suggested environments: Comfortable places. Anywhere with a lot of pillows. Laying in the sunlight (think cat).
Anything else we need to know: She loves moose :D
Is it okay for your characters to be drawn together? No, thank you. <3

Character Name: Jemma Kay Coulson
Character's Profile: The Survivor
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Personality: Bright, sassy, a forced optimist, a half-full kind of girl. Jem tries really hard to see what good is left in the world. She was raised in a military family, so she has that stubborn 'I-can-do-it' mentality.
Brief physical description of the character: Please see profile.
Suggested environments: In a garden working, or looking at plants out in the wild.
Anything else we need to know: Jemma lives in The Walking Dead (TV Show) Universe.
Is it okay for your characters to be drawn together? No, thank you. <3

Character Name: Wynnie Allison Hale
Character's Profile: The Coffee Shop Girl
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Personality: Wynnie's personality is a little deceptive. When first met, she often comes off as a little aloof. When you get her warmed up though, she becomes much more relaxed, sassy, and genuinely nice. Anxiety sometimes gets the better of her, but all-in-all, she's good people.
Brief physical description of the character: Please see profile.
Suggested environments: In her coffee shop!
Anything else we need to know: Nope, it's all in her profile.
Is it okay for your characters to be drawn together? No, thank you. <3
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee

Character Name: Kara
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Personality:Quiet people pleaser
Brief physical description of the character:Kara has a small figure, and it fits her quiet disposition. She almost always wears blue. She really does stand out, with her white-silver hair and violet eyes. She also likes to feel pretty.
Suggested environments:Anywhere
Anything else we need to know: She really loves the color blue, and keys... definitely keys.

Character Name: Ayana
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Elemental
Gender: Female
Personality:Talkative and curious... but very talkative... and confident in herself. Maybe a bit too much. And talkative.
Brief physical description of the character:Tanned Strawberry blonde, straight, choppy layers going down to her mid back, often braided. Blue eyes Always has a red string around her wrist. Often heavier clothing, since she finds most climates too cold.
Suggested environments:Outdoors or tavern

Character Name: Riiko Kitase
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Neko-hume
Gender: Female
Personality: She is usually kind to people, but doesn't like to become aquainted with anyone unless she finds them interesting. She tries to get along with everyone. She does her best to do things. She is a beginner in Magikk, and is sensative when she fails. She can sometimes be a little self-centered.
Brief physical description of the character:Very slightly tanned Midback length, black hair (purple tint.) Lilac eyes, Black cat ear and tail. Dark purple sleeveless shirt over a light purple sleeveless shirt with the bottom hem resting just at her hips. Light purple half sleeves tied at mid-upper arm and ending mid-lower arm. Flared black jeans and black mid-calf boots.
Suggested environments: Anywhere
Anything else we need to know: She has a cat companion named Jinx.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Preferably not, but it isn't forbidden xD
Entering at Devotee level :)
Character Name: Bird of Prey
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Harpy
Gender: Female
Personality: Vain, submissive, prideful, arrogant, wants to please, bubbly...
Brief physical description of the character: Womanly figure, short, plump, green and red iridescent feathers, skin is an oriental tan with gold sheen.
Suggested environments: Middle ages type deal, extravagance however she's not a patron but a slave. Outdoors is tropical places- she loves to climb and fly
Anything else we need to know: Wears a red bow on her collar and is very picky about how it looks. Also since her status as a slave she's seen with a lot of people, has seen lots, lots of room open there for interaction

Character Name: Telelia
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Nephilim- more descriptive half-angel, half-demon
Gender: Female
Personality: Arrogant. Intimidating. Controlled.
Brief physical description of the character: Horns instead of hair, eyes are black with silver irises, hourglass figure.
Suggested environments: Anything- Telelia is one of my few any time period works.
Anything else we need to know: Will wear expensive clothing but its not going to be gaudy showy- brocade or embroidery is about as garnished as she will get. If you decide to draw her with her staff the weapon is a dormant sentient and is 12 feet long- a gift that was definitely meant for somebody way taller than Telelia. She is usually NEVER seen without this weapon in some form- if it be a gauntlet on her left hand or the form of a staff [so yes two forms to it]

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Yeah- they wouldn't exactly be all lovey dovey friends but they've seen the other around.

may enter another one but haven't decided if I will or not... FYI if you have questions or need more arts I can get more uploaded- I have many unfinished pieces on my hard drive [I'm way behind in uploading]
I'm entering as a Dabbler!

Character Name: Hunter Argentum
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Young, excitable, curious, full of life and questions and good intentions!
Brief physical description of the character: A six-year-old with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a small/thin frame.
Suggested environments: He can be found in the park, playing with doggies (strays or otherwise--he loves animals and they love him); school desk; playground; Dabbler or Devotee: DABBLER
Anything else we need to know: He tends to be the kind of kid other kids bully, because he's trying to stand up to them. He's also afraid of everything that goes bump in the night--but that doesn't stop him from trying to be brave!
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No.

Character Name: Cody Wesson
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Paranoid, Trigger-happy; caustic; but loyal to his friends and to his cause;
Brief physical description of the character: He usually wears a black nondescript t-shirt, camo cargo pants, a belt with two holstered Smith&Wesson revolvers, and black motorcycle/combat boots.
Suggested environments: Abandoned warehouses; on the street; in a park; hiding out in a coffee shop.
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler
Anything else we need to know: He rides a blue/black motorcycle which has saddlebags on it and a duffel bag on the rear. He also has a Legion (six-winged Guardian Angel that bears a sword and shield) and is haunted by shadows. (Don't feel you have to include the Legion--he's really a separate character in and of himself.) If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No.

Character Name: Zeke O'Malley
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Curious; Loyal; he'll go out of his way to be a hero and save the day.
Brief physical description of the character: He usually wears a dark-colored suit, with a badge tucked into one of his pockets; he has red hair and brown eyes; he usually wears his sidearm on his right hip (or sometimes at the small of his back).
Suggested environments: Coffee shop; target range; FBI office; or even the abandoned car lot where he was gunned down...any place that happens to be in the city (or a small town)
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler
Anything else we need to know: Zeke has a fine sense of humor, loves his coffee, and likes to be active. Generally does not do well cooped up in the office. Usually covered to the point that any scars aren't visible. If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No.
Sharky (played anonymously)

Character Name: Sharky
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Just click the name!
Species: Humanoid
Gender: female
Personality: Loud and somewhat opinionated. She is kinda spoiled, and very stubborn (but then again, how long could you say no to that face!) She is very sassy, hands on the hips when she talks about the things she knows.
Brief physical description of the character: Little, with big brown eyes and black hair in a straight, angler style. She wears a lot of green and black. She's really cute and small.
Suggested environments: Forest, fantasy city.
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler for sure
Anything else we need to know: I would prefer only the child version, but if you can't do it, feel free to do her teen or adult version. Please include the dolly if you could!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) - If you want to draw all her forms feel free, but I really don't expect that at all.
Another Dabbler incoming.

Character Name: Azhai
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Saecair
Gender: Male
Personality: Ambitious
Brief physical description of the character: Dragonlike; about the size of a large horse
Suggested environments: Palace; mound of pillows on the floor
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler
Anything else we need to know: His human form is briefly described in his profile, but as I have no art of his human form I would prefer art of his Saecair form
I drew the bust that can be seen in his gallery, so I would say that it is the most accurate if you are using his images as references

Character Name: Krotos
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Satyr/Faun
Gender: M
Personality: Spontaneous
Brief physical description of the character: Tiny horns, coarse fur covering him from hips to hooves, green-grey eyes
Suggested environments: Forest or orchard
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler
Anything else we need to know: Krotos is a dancer and enjoys the arts

b]Character Name:[/b] Vexam
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Humanoid
Gender: M
Personality: Extravagant, exciteable
Brief physical description of the character: Swarthy, can also change skin colour to a purpleish shade (extremely rare), paper- thin donkey-like ears, black hair
Suggested environments: 
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler
Anything else we need to know: 

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No
Character Name: Addison Scott
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Personality: Cheerful, stubborn, a bit sassy, but extremely kind hearted
Brief physical description of the character:Petite in stature, slight curves, deep red curls, fair skin, green eyes, very china doll-like. Often wears leggings, a dance skirt, and tank top, along with ballet slippers. Very very pretty woman
Suggested environments: Ballet studio, stage, anything involving dance, really
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler!
Anything else we need to know: Addison is a very graceful individual, so anything involving her and ballet would be perfect!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
I really really like the idea of the two sections :D When I first saw this I didn't think I would enter again this time, but when I decided to read it and saw about the two sections! I think this is going to make the art trade a lot more popular and much less intimidating for us dabblers :)

Character Name: Raeliel
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: (the picture at the bottom)
Personality: Very upper-class and refined, but has a very kind heart and is very sweet. Certainly not one to get muddy or dirty, though.
Brief physical description of the character: Long blonde hair, light green eyes, fair skin, tall and slender. Typical elf. Her clothes are more of actual clothes than something like leaves or figs, but with very earthy colors. Definitely skirts, she doesn't wear pants. She's a lady, after all. ;)
Suggested environments: Inside of a house or outside in the woods or around pretty flowers :)
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler! :D
Anything else we need to know: If you're feeling ambitious, you could always draw her with her husband Saelhil and make it a present to two people at once! :) Not necessary at all though, of course!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) : Nope, sorry!

Character Name: Himentia
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species:Anthro hippo woman
Personality: She is SUPER sweet! Perhaps a little slow at times, but certainly not dumb. A heart of gold, very kind and loving. But watch out for the temper when you get her mad.
Brief physical description of the character: The picture on the site does her justice the best. She has gray skin like a hippo and I can't decide whether I want her to have gray-white or light blonde hair, so you can choose. Her clothes will probably be more commoner-suited, with browns and eggshells and greens.
Suggested environments: Inside of a house or a tavern (I'm thinking of having her be a barmaid)
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler! :D
Anything else we need to know: If you need clarification on her, let me know! She's still in the works so most of her information is in my head. :)
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee!!

Character Name: Blue
Personality: Lazy, vaguely inebriated, friendly, incredibly stereotypical hippy.
Brief physical description of the character: Medium height and thin, usually wearing bright colours, or natural fibers. Several piercings.
Suggested environments: Her van, or out in a field somewhere.
Anything else we need to know: Nope

Character Name: Clover
Species: Dormouse Shifter
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, skiddish, gentle and kind, but afraid of a lot, slightly agoraphobic, usually sleepy.
Brief physical description of the character: Petite and round faced, brown hair and blackish eyes. Her demeanor suggests that she is timid. Usually wearing comfortable clothes, or pajamas.
Suggested environments: In her home, of near a pile of collected junk.
Anything else we need to know: Nope
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no): They've never met, so no thank you :)

Character Name: Jacob Brite
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Depressed, but tries to be cocky and playful outwardly, self hating, low self esteem, daddy issues. Cautious.
Brief physical description of the character: Brown hair, green eyes, Tall, and well built, he is toned from years of gymnastics and parkour. He has several scars from his hobbies, as well as a lifetime of abuse
Suggested environments: Outdoors, usually alone
Anything else we need to know: Nope
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no): Could be drawn with Blue, as they run in the same circles, though they havent actually met in game as of yet.
This looks pretty awesome! I'm not a great artist, but I can do an effort for this (With my kickass really good artist friend, we might draw something epic! ---Don't worry, no stick figures. But maybe I'll include one as an additional gift =D)

Character Name: Makenzie
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Unknown race. But for practical purposes, a half dragon girl
Gender: Female
b]Personality:[/b] Impulsive, and bad tempered, mainly. She used to be a quite a cool person to be around -anger issues aside- but sometimes, in the most unexpected of moments, she smiles and turns into that silly, geeky teenager she really is.

Brief physical description of the character: She has wild red hair that is getting increasingly long, and that in the morning sticks out everywhere. Her eyes are a bright gold color, that often reminds her of those of a lion. =o With her now being constantly on the move, her body is more toned than it used to be, with long legs and arms, that flushes all over when she's angry. Her usual clothes are a plain white shirt and brown pants with a dagger sheathed on one side. Though, before, when she lived in Minnesota, she went with a Star Wars/LotR/Band shirt, and jeans =P

Suggested environments: It could be the woods, in a stable on fire, or in a tavern, for her fantasy self. Or in the 21st century world, in her house watching TV, at the school pretending to listen to class.
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler!
Anything else we need to know: The clothes are just a suggestion but it's fine if you a much more creative idea for them ;D
-She manages to pull off a very confident look, but this girl is very lost as to what her future will be like

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Yep, no prob


Character Name: Ryoran
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male

Personality: As Lucy says, he can come across as arrogant, but he's actually a very confident individual that is just so intent on making his life one that will be remembered. His main goal is to live it at its fullest and be as happy as one could be. In spite of these deep sentiments, what most see when they encounter him is an inmature, flirty thief, a troublemaker, and in some cases, the ticket for a great reward.

Brief physical description of the character: He is just a bit muscled, fruit of his recent military training, but his greatest strenght in this field is speed. He has green eyes that are always full of challenge, and laughter, even when it's absolutely no time for laughing. There's just slightest hint of stubble in jis jaw but besides that, his appearance is overall, boyish.

Suggested environments: The woods, running, in a house stealing, or doing a magic trick.
Dabbler or Devotee:Dabbler!
Anything else we need to know: Psss! Don't forget his top hat! He aboslutely adores it.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Yep.

Character Name: Hellebore
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Here
Species: Corrupted Fae
Gender: Male
Personality: Eerie and cunning, a monster in nobleman's clothing.
Brief physical description of the character:
Age: 214, a conservative estimate.
Body Type: Humanoid.
Height: 6ft 6".
Complexion: Pallored, sickly, unwell.
Hair: Grey-lavender, just past shoulder-length.
Eyes: Silver-blue.
Handedness: Left.
Scars: Thick gouges down his chest and abdomen.
Suggested environments: Anywhere dank and dark; abandoned library, underground etc
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee.
Anything else we need to know:

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) N/A
Character Name: River Ibarra
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality:VERY Flirty, and arrogant at times but he is always a fun loving guy. He lives to party with friends, drink, hit on girls(and fail horribly), and skinny dip in people's pools. The type to talk his way into danger without realizing it, and somehow managing to not get himself killed. (Yet anyway)
Brief physical description of the character: Strong, well toned. He has a lot of tattoos on his arms, and has rusty red hair which he stylizes and keeps up. River also has a full beard, and often wears sunglasses. He likes to wear very comfortable clothes like sweaters, gym pants, or jeans.
Suggested environments: Playing fetch with his two dogs, drinking a beer while on chilling top of a trailer house (He lives in a trailer park), going out for a walk, drawing a tattoo on someone.
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee~
Anything else we need to know:

Character Name: Father Finley Higgins
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Incredibly patient, understanding, and with literal "heavenly" virtues of goodness and kindness, it would be impossible to think he could do any wrong. Finley however is a very timid man who has been assigned to help bring Gods light to the world..although he clearly doesn't want to or feels ready to, but at the same time feels obligated to do so.
Brief physical description of the character: Thin, and scrawny, wears his Priest clothes almost all the time. The days he's out in the garden (He wears a very large brimmed sun hat and apron while doing this), is feeding the homeless or is helping out in the kitchen he changes to lighter clothes.
Suggested environments: Praying at an alter, out gardening in the Church yard, looking at his wooden rosary beads contemplatively.
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee~
Anything else we need to know:

Character Name: Kitty Kelly
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human (or appears to be)
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, but friendlier when she gets to know you, hard working, and seclusive. Enjoys being in her own environment and hesitates to try new things. Is fearful of loosing friends as well as getting too close to them. When you do get to be with her, you may find her sarcastic, snarky, and surprisingly sassy.
Brief physical description of the character: Kitty has straight, strawberry blonde hair that just passes her shoulders and bright blue eyes. She is very short and is breaching upon having a petite body.
Suggested environments: Drinking tea, working at a sewing machine (She is a seamstress), cozying up next to a fireplace with a book, going out for a ride on roller skates! :D
Dabbler or Devotee: Devotee~
Anything else we need to know: Since Kitty was at one time a time traveler, she has an assortment of period clothing, however she tends to wear simple-tasted clothing. Regency, and prairie-styled clothing are her personal favorite period clothing, but Kitty does wear modern clothing as well!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No please!

Character Name: Arka the Demonheart

Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Arka's Profile

Species: Half Human / Half Demon

Gender: Male

Personality: Sarcastic, funny, flirty, womanizer, bit of a bad boy, cocky but lovable.

Brief physical description of the character: He's tall and built with brown spiky hair, and normally has a charming smile on his face with an eyebrow cocked.

Suggested environments: Surprise me. It can be Mordor, The Death Star, or Care Bear Land. I don't mind, be creative! :D

Dabbler or Devotee: I shall be a DABBLER! Mostly because I'll be drawing for months if I go all out. D: Plus, a Dabbler sounds like they would have a monocle, and a very neat mustache. Perhaps a unicycle.. *nod* :3

Anything else we need to know: I will hang whatever I get on my fridge!
Character Name: Amia Fawne
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Amia
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Personality: Careful, Strong willed, survivor. The horrors of the wasteland have transformed Amia into what she needs to be to survive.
Brief physical description of the character: Worn-out, small. Once a cute face, now hidden beneath the trials she had to go through. Shabby clothes.
Suggested environments: Apocalyptic, Wasteland
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler
Anything else we need to know: Nothing, really. Have fun with her! ^^

Character Name: Cylene
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Cylene
Species: Angel/Outcast
Gender: Female
Personality: Helpful to the weak, determined, distrusting of those she doesn't know
Brief physical description of the character: Normal Size, Long pink hair (soft pink, not the bright pink) Gasmask/breathing device covering her mouth, nose and left eye only. Left arm and leg are mechanical.
Suggested environments: City, dark0
Dabbler or Devotee: Dabbler
Anything else we need to know: Nope, have fun!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No, they're in a completely different setting. However Amia could be drawn in a setting with Dave, if you really want to put two in one picture. They would (in that case) stand as friends and fellow Survivors.

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