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Another Moth for the moth cult!
Moth (played by Taro_Nuke1)

DazzlingDragon wrote:
Another Moth for the moth cult!
DazzlingDragon wrote:
Another Moth for the moth cult!

Running off with Raven.
Helios Frigate, because my brother would like him.

Umm... how did you steal an entire cave system?... you know what, just return him to where he was.
I will take Chippy and his two friends please!
Ooooh, a woman of skill!

*picks up Ella Gold*
That old, cantankerous soul Noah Harrison. I have seen him flit hither and thither spreading his delightfully curmudgeon-y-ness, and I gotta say I have thoroughly enjoyed him.

To be honest, all of your OCs are a joy from what I have gotten to witness across these gaming boards! 💕
Heh, the version of Sherlock that you have in your collection is just too damn fun and charming to not steal. So, y'know, come check out this totally not suspicous kidnapping bag, Master Detective, I'm sure there'll be plenty of interesting stuff in there to.. eh, decipher and deduce, ghehehehehe
Absolutely bursts into your house, thieves Randle from your kitchen while he's making bacon and eggs, and catnaps him because he's the sweetest.
Rosaline Stanfeld got taken! UwU
Enterprise. She is smol, and will receive a lot of headpats
I'm sure I could find somewhere for Gabriel Seth to stand and look intimidating for a while. 10/10 warden material at least.
I will take Zavik please
Elizabeth Chaplin because she likes Doctor Who.
Taking other characters, because efficiency.

"Give Chippy and co back! Akiko will absolutely take your spine if you don't"
Akiko can't take their spine if I steal them as well. :D

*runs off with Akiko*
Look, my g, we can do this the easy way or make a lil' a-fussin'. Put Lynx in the bag and we don't have to make a mess, capiche? 😏
Now from what I can gather is Sprite can hold her own, and quite honestly I have a habit of going on dangerous adventures. So less talk, more you're coming with me.
taking Zavik, after all, he and Dust are somewhat similar.

"Chippy, no. I'll get Akiko. Please sir give Akiko back. Chippy is very cross with you."
*steals Chippy, too*

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