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Forums » Forum Games » Describe the voice of the character above you

Pya (played by Reithesniper)

" I'd assume he'd sound.... Kind of excited about everything, other than being a yokai he's still a weasel-"
Mr Tumnus (played anonymously)

"Soft and throaty, perhaps a little peevish and impetuous. The voice of an imp under the moonlight, sleepy and bright."
Nokaimon (played anonymously)

"Like Frodo from Lord of the Rings."
Smolensk (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Probably like some modulated Japanese person.”
Ryan (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"monotone, in a really cool way! like a ninja!"
Riley Higgins (played by QuentinTheGremlin)

"Somewhat like a high pitched, but adorable kind of tone"
Alastor (played by Jaws)

“A adolescent-like tone, almost like the voice of TommyInnit”, he said as he chowed down a burger. His little pal was on his shoulder, also chowing down on their fries.
Epox (played by X2C)

Like a young Leonardo DiCaprio
Nick Reyes and Shadelight (played by GigaBit)

Like an evil genie, with a deep, grave voice with a slight English accent.
Miles Lee (played by QuentinTheGremlin)

Hmm, kinda like a smooth, heavily accented evil tone. Like Lucifer (Netflix series version)
"Perhaps similar to Eddie Vedder" the doctor remarked
Zachary Serdre (played by Anakisuto)

"I'd expect you to sound like Freddie Wong," Zach said matter-of-a-factly. He smirked.
The Hound (played by Lycanhoth)

Viktor grips his pepperbox for a semblance of security before releasing it, as though just making sure it was there. "Know-it-all tone, obvious vampiric physical traits... I think you sound like a slightly better Edward Cullen.... But to be honest that's not that hard to sound like."
Sherlock Holmes (played by Atheist)

Upon realizing who stood before him, Sherlock's cheeks tinged ever so lightly the color of crimson. It was, if anything, somewhat galling to see the all-too-familiar smug face, and yet his deeply ingrained British sensibilities had him composed in an instant.

"You have a wavering accent," he began astutely. "Raised by diversity and culture, you mingle about in tones and inflection. You have a barking quality to your voice, and there is an urging depth that comes across as snarling likely when you're backed into a corner. Does this sound at all familiar to you?"
Epox (played by X2C)

A Strong Aristocratic British Accent
Lyla 'skyler' scenecore (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"A typical American accent, a bit gruff too" she said happily
``Man,`` he rubs his neck, ``kinda like Harley Quinn. But like, a smaller version??`` He scratches the back of his head.
Pya (played by Reithesniper)

" Calm and laid back"
Zoi Kinzoku (played by SoulHeart57)

“I’m guessing… kind of soft and, smooth, i guess, with a hint of seduction… or something”
Lyla 'skyler' scenecore (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"Sweet and friendly!" Lyla said, chuckling happily

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