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Trick or treat the forums begins!

Posted by Kim on October 15, 2018, 6:57pm

trickortreat.pngIt's that time of year again!

Visit the IC forums for the rest of October and look for topics with titles that begin with "Trick or Treat". These are open roleplays - though there may be some restrictions on how many people can approach the door at once - so feel free to stroll your own characters down the walk and see what fate has in store!

This is a super fun event that allows for lots of quick scenes and introductions between characters who would have never ordinarily met one another.

Find a topic!

Want other people to trick or treat your character's residence?

If your character is ready to accept IC trick or treaters, please first read the rules. Then, post up a topic in one of the IC forums (General RP, Sci-Fi RP, Fantasy RP) using a topic title like this: Trick or Treat: Your Character's Name Here

Describe your character's home, then sit back and wait for the IC trick or treaters to start rolling in.

Feel free to post the link to your forum topic in the comments of this post if you want more visitors, but this post will auto-update tis list :)

Rules and tips

Start only one trick or treat topic per person. You can trick or treat in as many topics as you like, but please, post only one topic of your own so that we have enough trick or treaters to go around.

This is a friendly event, even if your character is normally a baby-soul-eating demon -- please do not join in order to assault or harass other characters. Moderators are on duty to help if things get weird!

Closing your topic: If you need to close your trick or treat topic to new visitors before the end of the event, please add the word (closed) to the title of your topic. Include the parenthesis. This will remove your topic from our lists of eligible topics in the news posts.

Stay flexible: Also keep in mind, sometimes trick or treaters need to go AWOL during their scenes. Stay flexible and don't get too caught up in a posting order, so that one person needing to study for a test doesn't prevent others from ringing your doorbell during this two week event. :)

Accolade eligibility: You're eligible for candy accolades for each thread you trick or treated actively at any point during the event, meaning you kept participating at moderate levels until the mini scene was over (your character exiting counts as the scene being over), or, if you did your best but stopped receiving responses from the OP before you could complete the scene. You cannot earn candy for trick or treating your own topic, not even as an anonymous character. You must visit other people's topics to earn candy accolades.
candyapple.png candycornbright.png halloweencandy.png candyapple.png candycornbright.png halloweencandy.png candyapple.png

You can earn a jack-o-lantern accolade if you host a Trick or Treat topic for at least seven days, between October 14th and October 31st. You must respond consistently to all trick or treaters until either they post leaving, the event ends, or you close your topic to new trick or treaters with a wrap-up post and change the title to include (closed). If you simply stop responding before the 31st, you may be disqualified from getting a neato pumpkin! However, you are strongly encouraged to keep your Trick or Treat topic open until the end of the event.
litjackolantern.png litjackolantern.png litjackolantern.png

Accolades can only be awarded on user profiles -- if you participated in the event as an anonymous character, you will receive a message asking for your permission to award the accolade.



November 8, 2018

I hade fun


October 17, 2018

Les go


October 16, 2018



October 16, 2018

I am totally, fully, and whole-heartedly ready for this


October 16, 2018

It is time to get spooky!


October 15, 2018

Heck yes! Ready as ever!!!



October 15, 2018

So excited to see it taking off so quickly again! :D


October 15, 2018

The most wonderful time of the year! Break out the pumpkin spice!!!


October 15, 2018

Major excited!


October 15, 2018

This was so much fun last year. Im glad to see it's back again.


October 15, 2018

This is pretty cool. A Halloween forum event? Neat!