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A faintly amused spark lit up the eyes behind the mask. "Heh... I've always wanted to use this reference", Cris chuckled, almost to herself, before adressing A'sallit. "Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well! Always fun to meet another of us hearties.... keep 'em Jolly Rogers flying because a pirate is free - and even now that my freebootin' days have come to an end, I'll die on the hill that it's the best thing pirates have about them!"
Princess Irulan (played anonymously)

“What a wonderful storybook of a character! Beautifully crafted and detailed, and a very enjoyable and intriguing read! I hope one day my creator will be so kind to me with just an ounce of the creativity that yours has put into you!”
Patches (played by GingerHades)

"Ooooooh! Preeeetty." Patches pointed out the royal woman's outfit. "Is Princess-Friend real princess?" Patches clapped before pulling their string again. "Wooow! That's amaaazing!"
"Something about that doll always tickled me," he muses. "I don't do much dreamin' anymore, and after taking a deeper dive into this one, I've just become a helluva lot more grateful for it. That shit is scary good."
"Hmmmm, y'know what, Damien? You're alright! Believe me, I don't say that to everyone," Mixie shrugged with a grin. "I'm just givin' ya credit where credit is due."

Mixie gave the man a pat on the back... in a very specific area, where the scar from a certain bullet wound was. "I mean, c'mon now! You had no reason to save my ass back there, yet you saved it anyway. I don't know what you were thinkin' back there, you could've easily wound up dead! To save me, the one who was just tryin' to maul you half an hour prior!"

Her grin faltered a tad, but it was still there. "I'd be lyin' if I said you haven't earned a bit of respect from me!"
A'sallit (played by hexblading)

The Miqo'te pushed up his glasses, eyeing the demon with a look in his eyes that spelled interest in an equally devilish sense. He tapped his nose in thought, and the gears in his mind turned with the flicking of his tail, but that was neither here nor there--the point of this game was to acknowledge the good of another, something A'sallit rarely ever so did in person.

"Now, to say you're... unique would be too uncreative." A'sallit said, tilting his head. "You wear the look of an eldritch horror well. It suits you, though I do expect it has some drawbacks, as all children of the Fire are wont to do. I would offer my services, but you know what they say about making deals with jinn and the like."
Oksana Ilves (played by Dndmama)

(( I'm gonna start this off OOC cause I have a lot more to say about this awesome character than Oksana does. First off, the page is absolutely gorgeous. The style and the way it's set up is infinitely pleasing to the eye. Also it is so rare to see a dark (I'm loathe to say evil) healer. It's a delicate line to tread and this character pulls it off beautifully. ))

Oksana's eyes are silver and unfocused, certainly unable to see anything in the traditional sense. Her head isn't even turned in A'sallit and yet the weight of her scrutiny is palpable.

"Such an interesting life you have lived. What a complicated soul you have forged. So many lessons already learned. What could I have to teach one such as you, I wonder..."
Alice (played anonymously)

(( You got nice page, it's aesthetically pleasing. The concept of story writer around it is interesting and not something that I would have come up with. ))

Alice remained in silence, taken in thought as her crimson eyes shimmered, observing the person in front of her. Her lips have parted and soft voice was released "You have harsh duty, guide is only as great as light house he orients himself to and destination they intend to lead. Hope you had not lead those in need astray." She bowed slightly and was ready to leave, never to be see again but momentarily she remembered something "If providence allows us to meet again, I hope I will be able to hear your compositions. Adieu!" and so young noble left.
Olix Brackley (played anonymously)

((Let me just say, you have a very well written character here, I love all the detail!))

"You seem like a very strong person, and I admire you very much, ma'am." Olix grinned, looking down at the lady in front of him.
Lisa Wells (played anonymously)

((A wonderfully portrayed character! Love the Original and Darker versions!))

"I think I saw you at a street fair? I love your art!" Lisa also thinks he's really cute!
Cosmo Ozark (played by ALTY_Heave)

((I love how her personality totally adds up to a typical girl in college! She seems adorable and sweet. Also, love the mannerisms haha.))

Cosmo looked the girl up and down and sighed. “Fine, whatever. You’re cool. I hate how nice you are, but- maybe I- don’t.” Seems like Cosmo was conflicted.
"Whoaaa..." So utterly flabbergasted by what'd appeared before him, Zero's expression of awe died down into a voiceless jaw-drop. Eyes wide, he then burst into one of his fit of youthful curiosity, prancing around Cosmo to look him up and down, his poor faltering eyesight allowing. "Your hair looks so super rad! I, like, never really seen anyone with the whole super pale skin and red eyes thingy before that also gets to have cool-colored hair! Though.. your eyes aren't really red-red, are they?" He squinted, arms crossed over his chest. Nope, those were purple, weren't they? How did that work? "Oh, and you do all that work with astrono-mo..nomology? That's so cool too! I've been to like a loooooot of planets and stuff, but I bet you've seen even more." Maybe, if becoming an adventurer like his crew didn't work out for him, Zero could always resort to becoming an astronomonomologist too. All that math stuff was really easy for him, at least back at the Lab, and by the time he'd be a grown-up, he would've seen so much planets that he could probably become a professor like, right away! "So, yeah. You're cool-cool!" And flashing a wide row of teeth even whither than his hair, Zero shot some finger-guns of awesomenss-acknowledgement towards the glum scientist. Maybe if he knew how cool 'n smart he was, he'd cheer up and be friendlier, right?

The little vixen's eyes brimmed with happiness and affection as she leaped to hug Zero's knees. "Your cool too! You can do MAGIC!" Even for a kid who knew that magic existed, the fact that someone could master it and at Zero's young age filled her with awe. "And your kind and nice and my bestest big bro!" Clearly she was taking a lot after her mum when it came to found family, but it made sense to her! She and Zero even looked the same, with white coloring and red eyes! "And we'll be best buds forever!" Happily, she handed him a drawing she made with colored pencils - and more than a lot of glitters, but the fact she had used it to represent his magic would sure compensate for the hassle of the drawing leaving glitters everywhere. She had drawn Zero's portrait as closely as any three years old could, with a manga influence for sure, but so much affection and care in what was essentially just a stick figure it spoke volumes of her appreciation of Zero, far more than many words. "You wanna play with ponies? You can make Rarity fly!"
"Light Raygun? Where do I even start?" the man snorts. "This lady can love the socks off the most ugly, mutated and vitamin-deficient beast there is. Like, how is that possible? Seriously? How can someone be able to find even the smallest of appreciations in the objectively horrendous, and not just in the subject's looks? If there were someone I'd want on my side during a bad day, it'd be this one. I can already tell she'd be there to make you feel just a smidge better, if nothing else."

Harrison pauses. "As for her kid, Chiara? The kid's cute, I'll give her that, but the real spark comes from her artistic side. Lots of adventures. Lots of sparkles. It's almost... storybook, if you know what I mean - and well-drawn, too, in a wonderful way that a lot of adults don't even possess."
Gotta Admit, You remind me of Nine with how smart you are.
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

Perfect game for Sunny, overly excited as usaual..

"Ragna, your so incredibly strong!" He smiled "I sense your strength, and I almost got too foolish to challenge you here" he smiled "I commend you on your feats of power Ragna"
Cole Macgrath (played by FictionDragonborn)

The world will always have optimists like you, Huh? That's a Good sign at least.
Abigail Welsh (played by Kotomi657)

"I feel like you're pretty smart and I admire your fighting spirit! I need to be brave like you. " Abigail stated with a cheerful smile.
You are a sweet young dame with a good heart.
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

You strike me as someone who understands the world. Knows it's beauty and flaws. The mark of a warrior. I hope to one day learn all I can myself and find others who share my interests.

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