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Forums » Forum Games » The Character Below is ...

Letitia Blackert-Trousdale (played anonymously)

"Thankfully I have little reason to need to be anywhere more than a few feet above the ground."

The character below has a living spouse.
Eugene Fitzherbert (played anonymously)

"That would be Blondie. She's my sunshine, such a lovely wife. She's the best." Eugene said proudly.

The character below is interested in baking.
Nina Phelps (played by Dawnia)

"Indeed I am! I have a whole recipe book and am thinking of doing a cooking show on TV!"

The character below loves swimming...
Adam Lansen (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Swimming is part of the job being in the navy. For leisure? Yes. Work? No."

the person below me likes spicy food
Dean Patrick (played anonymously)

"I live on spicy food! In my world, hatch green chilis are their own food group."

the person below me can't stand the smell of flowers
"That is far from the truth. Orange blossoms, honeysuckle, and lavender are three of my favorite things in the world"

the person below me is a great home cook
"Well I travel quite allot so the world is my home, but that doesn't stop me from making a mean Boar Soup!"
He smiles widely.

The character bellow me is afraid of spiders
Eugene Fitzherbert (played anonymously)

"Well, I'm not afraid of Spiders, but Lance? Oh man, he will scream till'your ears bleed!" He laughed, "Just watch." Eugene turned around to look at his friend. "Hey Lance! Watch out, there's a spider!"

Lance squealed, "Eeeeek where?!" He then dived to a nearby couch for safety.

The character below me loves animals.
Seth McAllen (played by VoliminalVerse)

"I couldn't live without my boy Thor. He's a Belgian Malinois"

the person below me doesn't care for anime
The vampire grinned maliciously. "You couldn't be more correct, my good solider. I detest anime. Actually, now that I sit and think about it, really anything animated is on the deplorable side for me." Knows he just offended a vast majority of the people reading this but stands true to his opinion. "Disney has good music, but they tend to completely screw the real story up and miss the whole point the tale exists in the first place. Not every movie needs a happy ending."

The character below me thinks disco music is about to have a serious come back with the kids today
Rene (played by Leighoflight)

"I've been around long enough to see disco come, enjoy its peak, then fade out again. Bit like fashion in that regard so I am begrudgingly going to have to agree that it may come back around..." Never fond of vampires so he was more mad about agreeing with Gandrell combined with the thoughts of dread that came with the fact that bell bottom jeans may be coming back into fashion, yikes.

The character below me has 'Been there, done that and got the T-Shirt' with pretty much everything.
The wolverine thought about it, threw his head back and laughed heartily.

"That'd be ol' me alright! Started off--" for a moment, his boldness seemed to wane as he thought back about his childhood, but the hesitation was over as quickly as it had manifested, "... the most BADASS fighter of our bunch, y'can ask anyone how quick they took back their 'runt of the litter' taunts WHEN I KICKED THEIR SCRAWNY TAILFURS!" A triumphant thump to his chest. "'n I kept 'em off pickin' on my pals too! Then--" A slightly exilarated smile curled his lips upward, revealing the tip of his fangs, "-- at long last, 'twas time for FREEDOM and man if I didn't kick ass then too! Oh it was rough at first, don't get me wrong - we ate 'em scraps 'n raised junkyards 'n hid in abandoned places to keep our head lows 'n all that - but once we got our number together 'n the bikes 'n all, MAN!... 'n then we started doin' merc jobs so we could move outta the slums we'd haunted 'til then, and next I got to tell our dear ol' DUMB BOSS where he could stick his orders, 'n my pal 'n me left the pack to make our destiny!" The further his tale progressed, the more worked up he got. "Did some pretty slick smugglin' business on my own for a while - well on my own with some friends, alrighty - 'n then you'd believe it, we suddenly got whisked out of that 'n became like, rich? Like not super duper rich but rich 'nuff to buy all the beers in the store when I feel like it? And wouldn't ya believe it - we even got charge of a litter of orphaned kids to watch after!" Not that he honestly thought he was the best suited person for watching after anything that wasn't a cart of Wily Wolverine beers, but hey - he'd rolled with the new task when it had materialized on their doorstep, right? Badass fighter! Toughest nut of the pack! Free man! Mercenary! Smuggler! Free RICH man! Caretaker! You named it, there was nothing he'd not done in his lifetime!

Except for getting as many dates as such a handsome and hunky guy like himself deserved, but he'd had a girlfriend in the past... that still counted!! Even if she only dated him after kicking his ass out of his bike and stealing it for herself! Surely he wasn't going to admit it in front of that deer freak who dared gettin' between him and his alien steaks lunch once and even had the AUDACITY to sport claws longer and more badass than his--

... speaking of which.

Speaking of whiiiich...

Burt looked at Rene and grinned, menacingly. "Actually there's one thing I've not yet done and it's tryin' fancy human foods, like I've heard about one that's called vinny-son 'n I've been meanin' to try it for a while, but first got to hunt me a deer for it..." Get running, Bambi. Wasn't it hunting season yet? Well it should be!!

What - ah yes, next round! The character below me, let's see -- can hold their drinks real well and has proved it in a badass way! And tell me where you go to drink so I can give it a try too!
Seth McAllen (played by VoliminalVerse)

"I'm in the army. What do you think?"

the person below me has never been to jail even to visit someone
Torchie (played by SillySpider)

"I'm not even sure I know what a Jail is." They shrug.

The person bellow me has never had a cheeseburger.
"Cheese...burger? Yeah I have no idea what that is so probably not!" She said with a cheerful grin.

The person below has never had any kind of seafood
Due to a severe shellfish allergy, seafood was only ever attempted to be consumed once. I consider this never having any as it came right back up as my tongue began to swell.

The character below me actually has a pair of Blue Suede Shoes
Pipes (played by randomentity777)

"Well they are blue. I don't know what suede is. But these shoes do have little roller things in them, which is why I added them to my collection."

"Anyway, the person below me likes to collect objects that others dismiss or overlook."
"Thats me! I have lots of things other's dismiss and many things even I overlooked!"

The person below doesnt care much for royalty
"To be honest, I really don't. Looks like too much work to maintain a public image, even more to be a pompous jerk."

The person below me has never tried a milkshake before.
Dóntia (played anonymously)

"Mm..elk...she..key-?" The boy attempted to sound the words the woman was speaking. "Mill..sheekie?"
He then scratched his ear with his hand like a dog would its' leg. "Nev..had" He murmured.

The person below Dontia has met a pack of wolves before.

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