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Last Official Day of our Living Library AMA event

Posted by Kim on November 22, 2020, 1:35pm

Today is the last official day of our Living Library event. We have a dizzying array of players volunteering to be "books" on so many different subjects!!

Although today might be the last official day of the 2020 Living Library event, you are of course free to continue asking and answering questions for as long as you like and have energy for. :) I want to thank everyone who has participated so far; I've been having a blast and have learned some fascinating new things, not just about the topics offered up but about the individuals that make up our playerbase. You've also all humbled me yet again with your kindness, curiosity and goodness toward one another, even when dealing with very sensitive topics and ideas.



November 24, 2020

Super cool. I've had a really good time reading all these interesting things and interacting with awesome RPers and such! :)


November 23, 2020

Thank-you to everyone who posted! It was very insightful and took a lot of courage to speak about topics on physical and mental health. <3 Even if I didn't ask questions of everyone who posted I read quite a number of topics. It was very informative and done in a very respectful way.


November 22, 2020

It's been great fun and quite interesting asking and being asked questions. Some of the subjects brought up some deep , even forgotten memories for me (in a good way) and it was awesome learning about fellow RP Repositoryers!